ch.12//after surgery

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Griff pov- I had waited hours for dani to get out while i was in the waiting room during the surgery xander, and emma came and i had told them what was happening and after a bit the doctors said we could see her so we walked in
Griff- hey how r u
Dani- hey im good the doctors said they had to check somethings and then im free to go
Xander- thats good
Dani- ya
Emma- we've missed you
Gabi- me too
*1 hour later*
The doctor came in and said the she was good to go so we got up and went back to camp when arrived we walked in
Dani- feels good to be back
Luke- dani!
I saw luke run up to her and hug her

Dani pov-
I walk in the gate and i see luke
Luke- dani!
He runs up to me and i hug
Luke - i missed you so much
Dani- you too
Luke- how r u
Dani- glad to be out of that hospital
Ravi- dani!
I see ravi and hug him
Dani- hey ravi
Ravi- glad to have you back
Dani-glad to be back
After a while i go into my cabin and change in to a cute outfit and did my hair

Then i waked out
Griff- hey babe *kisses her*
Dani-*kisses back* hey
Griff- were gonna play kickball wanna join were going against weasel cabin
Dan- sure
Griff- ok
*After the game*
Xander- nice job dani we won
Dani-oh no problem its easy
Griff- ya for you you had 3 brothers *out of breath*
Dani-*laughs* its ok Griffey *hugs him kisses him*
Griff-*hugs and kisses back* oh my god dani
Dani- whaaat
Griff- just you *chuckles*
Dani- *chuckles* yep thats me!
Griff your so weird
Dani- i know
Hazel-*looks at griff and dani being cute then looks at xander* oh xandy!!
Xander- no no don't you dare *runs away*
Hazel- come here! *Chases him*
Dani- *laughs* thats so you
Griff- wha- how
Dani- cause your always wanting hugs and kisses you creep*laughs*
Griff-*Laughs under breath* your dead
Dani-*laughs and screams* *runs away*
Griff- chases her get over here
Luke- is she ok i heard a scream
Xander-ya there just messing around
Luke- oh ok
Emma- they are so cute together
Xander- ya they are
Luke- yep
Ravi- I agree
Griff-*catches up to her* gottcha *picks her up*
Dani- ahh
Griff- your mine now*laughs*
Dani-*laughs* help
Griffs- *walks over to the others*
Emma- you too done
Dani- no *kisses him* love you
Griff-*kisses back* love you to *walks off with her in his arms to the bench* *sits down*.
Dani- now were done
Xander-*chuckles amd shakes his head*

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