Chapter 4 ~ ❄

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At home...

"Elsa... Why didn't you tell me about your powers? This is amazing!" Anna said.

My expression changed from relieved to shocked.

Oh no... No no no no no! She knows I have powers!

"Anna... I... I can't let you come near them." I stepped back.

"Why not?"

"Look, I'm just trying to protect you."

"You don't have to protect me, I'm not afraid. Please don't shut me out again! Please don't slam the door, you don't have to keep your distance anymore."

"Anna, if you know what's best for you, for both of us, you'd try to keep less contact with me. I'm sorry to shut you out." I stood up from her bed.

"Elsa, I know what's best for us. And it's to figure this out. Together! You can thaw it. You're not dangerous."

"No, Anna. You don't understand. My powers are not under control! I can't thaw the ice!"

"Elsa. Listen to me. I want to help you figure this out!"

"Anna, I've hurt you once because of this uncontrolled power. I wouldn't forgive my self if I hurt you again. Please... Just... Leave me alone..." I walked away then out of her room.

I shut the door close then leaned my back against it. What do I do now? She knows about my powers. Should I continue to shut her out even though she already knows? Or should I stop shutting her out? But if I go with the first one, it's like nothing change. She'll still be out there waiting for me to come out. If I go with the second one, there's a chance I might hurt her again.

If only I got my powers under control! Think Elsa!

No. I'll just have to figure it out.

I lied down on the bed. It's been a long night. I was just starring at the ceiling. I rolled around my bed.

Until I felt like I was being watched. A figure at my window caught me eye.

It looks like a figure of a boy. I stood up from the bed then walk towards the window. He has fair white skin and hair as white as the snow and his crisp blue eyes starring in to mine.

I walked closer then I felt something cold then slipped. Ugh. The ice. I stumbled to the floor, my hands stopped me from falling any further more. My palms turned the spot ice. I stood up carefully this time. I looked at the window. He was gone. I opened the window and saw rustling at the bushes. Something tells me I should follow.

I wore the gloves that was on the windowsill and stepped on my house shoes. I carefully climbed down from the window to the roof in front of the windows. I carefully climbed down the tree. As I stepped on the ground I heard another rustle. "Come out please." I whispered. It went to the back of our house.

I followed it until I reached the wide grassy land near the back of our house. There were a few trees until it lead to a forrest. I walked further more to the middle of the wide space.

This was where Anna and I used to play before. After playing in our lawn, we go further more then play in the snow. I smiled at the thought.

I saw the figure again. It went to the forest.

I ran to it. I wanted to stop but something strengthens my curiosity then makes me want to go on.

"Hello?" I said. "Come on out!"

I saw the figure hide behind a tree.

"It's okay. I won't hurt you. Come out."

I walked closer then it rushes to a bush. I opened the bush and saw a boy looking at me surprised.

"Ah! You---" I started but the staff he holds accidentally hit my head.

"Wait, you can see me?" He seems startled.

"Maybe that's why I'm following you." I said with sarcasm.


"W-Wait. Please tell me. Are you Jack? Jack Frost?" I said with hesitation. As much as I wanted to ask, I couldn't help but think that I sounded weird.


My eyes widened as I held to his shoulders "Oh my God you're real?!"

"Yeah I am! Wow. Some teenager like you actually believes in me? To be honest, these past years I've only seen kids believe in me." He said, pretty amused. He stood up then walked out of the bushes. "May I at least know your name?" He asked.

"Elsa. You know, as much as I want to scream out that I'm dreaming then ran away, I really want to stay here. That if this really was a dream, I never wanted to wake up."

"Why is that?"

"Well... Because your someone really special to me. You're like my hero."


"Something like that. Can you please sit down? It would really feel nice to know that Jack Frost is actually talking to me face to face right now."

He smiled before sitting down next to me.

"For someone who has icy powers I hope you'll believe me when I say that... I also have those icy powers."

"I'm not surprised at all. I guess that explains those ice around your room floor."

"Yeah. I have a sister. Her name is Anna. We were very close when we were little. I would entertain her with my powers. It just so happen that one night I unintentionally strucked her head which resulted to her getting unconscious. My parents took her out. When she came back, she was fine. But the thing is, she forgot about me having my powers but she still remembers that I had been her best buddy. Which is bad somehow because when my parents told me that it's best to keep my powers hidden from anyone including from Anna, I had to shut her out even though she really wanted to see me. I know it hurts her badly to know her own sister shuts her out. Which makes me feel bad. I felt cursed. I felt miserable. The only times where I find comfort and relief is when my parents... Before they died... would tell me stories about you just so I would shut me up from whining. Whenever I think of you, I feel more like I'm gifted than cursed. That maybe someday I could be someone great like you."

"Elsa. You know, it would have been better if you looked at the bright sides of things when you got a problem. I promise things will get better with you and your sister Anna."

"Just this day she actually found out about my powers."

"Hm? How? What happened?"

"She ignored me and snuck out at a party. She got... Um... Attacked by a guy he just met. Good thing I was there. I tried to save Anna from him but I had to use this powers of mine. That's how she knew."

"So... Are you two okay now?"

"Well... I told her that I still gotta keep distance because I still don't have this powers under control. I have to continue shutting her out. Now that she knows, I just hope she'd understand."

"You gotta have to go back now. It's getting late. I just wish good for you and your sister Anna." Jack stood up.

"Wait!" I lifted my self to kneel then grabbed the bottom of his hoodie. "If you leave, then I may not see you ever again."

"I'll just visit you some time, alright?" He took my hand off from his hoddie then pulled me up to face him.

"How can you promise that? I know you're real. I know I'm not dreaming. And I need you more than ever now that my sister knows and that I've talked to you about it."

"I promise. I'll come back for you. Hey. I'd still be here tomorrow."

"You promise that?" I held out my pinky finger.

He looked at my raised pinky then smiled before taking out his pinky then hooking it to mine. "I'll help you get things fixed."

I took my pinky away then pulling him to me for a hug "thank you."

"Everything will be okay. I promise." He pulled himself off of my hug then placed his hand behind my head then pulling it near his head before placing a light kiss on my forehead. "I'll see you tomorrow."

He flew away from me. I still stood there. It took me a little while before I got myself to go back to my house.

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