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Jacob's POV

     As a child i lived my life well. I was an only child and my parents who were so in love failed to ever notice me, their only son. I was constantly left alone in a mansion filled with maids, and servants. Everyone around me listened to my every word. Obeying like dogs and for that reason alone i hated everyone. Human beings are supposed to have a mind of their own. I never understood why everyone would mindlessly grant my every wish. And constantly tell me my life was like a dream. A prefect life was only a fantasy so why would they try and act like my was one.  Because of that I grew up being a cold person, not heartless. And that time every year when my parents finally would come home i would be overjoyed. Hoping they would praise me or yell at my wrong doing. I was told parents did that because they cared about their children. But all i every got from them was a 'hey jay' or a 'sorry I'm busy kiddo can we talk later'. I never was yelled at. I never was hugged. I never was kissed. I was never loved.

     Regardless of such a painful past, I wanted to make others smile. So once a week i would sneak out of my house and go up the street to the nearest orphanage. It was ran down and was about to close down the first time i showed. The kids loved me and the care taker, Meghan loved that i help out with all the payments. I think the only reason i like it so much is because I'm being treated like a human being rather than what my last name is. I found myself spending all my holidays over there. Well all of them but my birthday that is. Christmas I'd bring toys, Easter I'd hide eggs, new years id have sparkles in the back yard. It wasn't much but they were so happy about it. And that made me happy. 

      Just because my life is fucked up doesn't mean innocent little kids have to have a fucked up life as well.

Myiah's POV

      I woke up on a Saturday to the smell of fresh blueberry pancakes. I smiled and ran downstairs. There i saw my mom cooking and my dad at the dishes. They made my life happier. Not only were they down to earth but the listen to my opinion and taught me to always speak my mind. I gave them both a kiss on their cheeks. My mom then put a plate on the table and told me to go wash up. So i ran to the nearby bathroom and did as i was told. When i came out 2 more plates were set and my mom and dad were hugging each other. So i went up to them and squeezed my way into the middle like i always did when i caught them hugging. I wanted to feel the love just as much as they wanted to share it. And as if on cue my dad laughed and my mom kissed my forehead. I smiled; i love them so much. 

     i smiled and my eyes opened. 

"Just a dream" I sighed as a tear slipped down my face

      And the love i had for them made it just that hard to forget. I remembered the day like it was yesterday. Things happened so quickly that it scares me to remember. 

       It was a Thursday. And track practice ran a little late. So i stood outside and watched as all the other students were picked up. I called them over 30 minutes ago so it was weird for them not to be there. I shook it off though and decided to walk home, I meant it wasn't far at all. So i waved good bye to my couch and she said that it wouldnt be a problem to drop me off but i insisted on walking home. I grabbed my phone and my bag the started on the sidewalk home. 

      Halfway home i got a phone call from my mom. I answered:

"hey mom, where are you" i asked 

"Hi well.....OMG CAN YOU JUST DROP IT DANIEL DAMN" i heard her yell through the phone. I scrunched up my eyebrows. "were are on the way."

"Okay but im halfway home now" i said 

"At the intersection?" she asked.

Money Doesn't Buy LoveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon