Skateboarding Fail Ch.22

447 13 1

Liza P.O.V

October 28 2016 Saturday

I'm sitting on a bench watching David, Scotty, and Zane skateboarding at the park. They're doing tricks and seeing who can do the best one.

"That was lame Zane!" Scotty says as he jumps up and his board flips.

"Shut up Scotty! Like you can do better!" Zane yells back.

"Yeah! I can!" Scotty goes up a ramp and skates backwards onto the next ramp. He skates down and his board flips about 4 times.

"Ok that was good!" Zane says and gives Scotty a thumbs up.

"I can do that!" David says and goes to the top of a ramp.

David hasn't been skating for very long. Only about 3 months. Scotty has been skating since he was 12, he's 17.

"I don't think that's a good idea babe!" I yell but he is already skating down the ramp. I watch his board flip about 2 times and he lands sideways. He lands with one leg out in front of him and the other leg on the side of him.

"David!" I stand up and run to him.

"Scott. Call someone." David says with no emotion in his voice.

He moves his leg so its straigh out in front of him and he lifts his pants to over his knee. His board is broken and he has a cut in his shin. Zane takes off his jacket and ties it around the wound.

"On it." Scott quickly diales a number and puts the phone to his ear.

"Hi. We need an ambulance.... My friend was skating and he landed with his leg on tge side of him.... at the skate park next to Hamilton High School... got it. David where does your leg hurt?" Scotty talks to the person on the phone for a minute then puts the phone his chest to ask David the question.

"All around here." David points to the middle of his calf to his knee. He looks up at me with fear in his eyes.

"Ok. He said it hurts from the middle of his calf to his knee." Scotty turns around as he talks into the phone.

"Everything is going to be ok baby. Don't worry." I sit on the concrete next to David and he grabs my hand.

"An ambulance should be here any second." Scotty hangs up the phone and we hear sirens from down the road.

"Liza help me stand him up." Zane says and goes behind David.

"Ok." I grab David's other hand and Scotty waves at the ambulance to let them know where we are.

We help David stand up and he hops on one leg. We bring him to the gate and the ambulance parks in front of us. The back opens and 2 men jump out.

"Bring him here." A man with a name tag thay says Bill waves him over and we bring David to the stretch. He lays back and another man pushes him into the truck.

"Which one of you is riding in the truck with us?" A man with a name tag that says Dan says and Scotty pushes me forward.

"His girlfriend." Scotty says and Dan helps me into the truck. I sit next to David's head and he looks over at me. The ambulance starts driving and I grab David's hand again.

"Are you ok babe?" I ask and David nods.

"My leg hurts but I'm alright. I should have listened to you."

"You didn't know what you were getting into."

"David Dobrik?" Bill asks and David nods.

"We need to put you to sleep for a few minutes ." Bill says and David nods slowly.

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