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Theres this lake in my city that no one really recognizes. It doesn't even have a name, its just this lake at the edge of the city and never in my 18 years of living in this town have I seen someone there. I could never really understand why people would just ignore something so beautiful. The way the sun would set above the water which made it sparkle in a magical way. The trees that surrounded it and gave the right amount of shadows and sunlight.

Everyday I would sit by the lake, reading, thinking, staring, anything. The lake was kind of my second home since my mom and dad got a divorce when I was 9. Before that, my sister would always come with me, she actually was the one wo showed it to me when I was really little. But since the divorce she was too occupied in trying to be my dad when we weren't with him on the weekends and since the both of them did not talk to each other anymore she lost any interest in the lake because my dad was the one who came with her to the lake before I was born.

After my parents divorce everything changed and I don't even now if i miss how it was before anymore. My mom married another man who had two kids himself, we came along, they are my family. My dad got a new girlfriend, too but we cannot stand each other and she's the reason my sister and dad don't talk anymore. My family is wrecked, conflicted and messy but its okay like this because everyone seems happy. 

I was a normal student in my last year of school. I already new what I wanted to study and where. I never did anything without thinking about it. I was the one at the party who would get you home safe even though i was drunk because i could never stop thinking about what was the think to do. I was the one no one ever really noticed, no matter how many friends I had. I was the one who would be just there whenever you need her. I was the one who would never be enough to be someones number one.

I was the one who believed in true love. Love that would find its way to you and never let you go. 

But then you came around and you took my breath from me in a way i never thought was possible. You showed me what true love is and how hard it is to hold. You broke me into pieces and made me whole again sometimes in one single day. You gave me chills i never had before and you made me cry and laugh like no one else. 

But we did things to each other that I thought I could never forgive and maybe I still can't but all I know is that i can't be myself without you because you where the hurricane that got everything in my life to be different and how am I supposed to be me when i don't have you?

But we did it for us, didn't we?

For us


Hello to everyone who's out there. 

This is my new story and i want to state real quick that english is not my native language so please don't make fun of me if make mistakes which i will do.

This story is really important to me so if you like it please leave some love 

Have a nice day


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