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364 days before

Mondays are like period cramps. The pain is bearable but you could gladly live without it.

Mondays on the first day of school after summer break are like talks with your parents about your period. You just want it to end.

Why all those period references you may ask? Well, I have my period, its Monday and the first day of school after summer break.

Living in a little town should help ease that feeling, no new people, no endless questions about how the summer was because you know everything even though there was no school, but endless drama. Drama about this one girl Susan that kind of went crazy because her boyfriend left her. (Real shocker, since he was a player which cheated on her like 7 times without her knowing and obviously just didn't want her anymore) Or this guy Tom who always had long hair but let it grow even more so now he kind of looks like a homeless guy but tells everyone that he goes with this whole "Harry Styles- trend".

The most important thing in my little town was that everything seemed perfect. Perfect white houses next to each other with perfect lawns and perfect families. No one should now if something wasn't perfect and if they did found out your better be prepared. My mum and dad had it coming when they got a divorce almost ten years ago but they mastered it perfectly and got even as far as marrying someone new.

And now here I am, Camille Brown, 17 years old, ready to start my last year at this hell called Samster High. I am the ordinary girl you find in every school. I have my group of friends, my grades are good, I never really fight with anyone and just live my everyday Life at school acting like I'm totally content with my life just as everyone else.

My dark blond hair blew in my face as I emerged the bus and I mentally cursed myself for not bringing a hair elastic with me. Summer break flew by and I'm not even half ready to start this semester. I walk through the halls trying not to talk to anyone, when my best friend Sarah comes rushing to me. "There's a new rumor" she begins. "And I think its no rumor 'cause you know yesterday this new family moved in next to me, you know the house of this old lady who died at the beginning of the summer" I looked at her. "I know and what is so fabulous about that new family?" I was never someone with who you could gossip and stuff. "SO the rumor is that there's this guy that will be a senior like us from today on."

I looked right through her. "No" was all I said. She pouted. "But cami, you're single now for almost 2 years, you're almost 18 please just give it a chance." Sarah tried to get me to be in a relationship forever now, since she and Marc were the dream team born for the last 3 years and she wanted nothing more that to have double dates so I wouldn't feel like the third wheel all the time. Which I didn't but that doesn't matter because in her opinion I do.

"You don't even know him, he could be a total douche." I tried to argue. "Yeah, but he could be your future husband" She argued back. I rolled my eyes which got her to smile. Meanwhile we arrived at our lockers, which are next to each other and I got my history books. "We'll see about that, Sa" I smiled at my best friend and she returned it, still motivated. "I'll see you at lunch, I have to get to history. Don't want to start the new semester like I ended the last one." Sarah just nodded with a laugh. "I'll see you at lunch cami"

Sending her a last smile, I turned on my heels and started walking to my history class which was at the other end of the school. Everyone was whispering in their groups and I was positive that it was about 'New guy' because news like that were rare in our High school since it was really small just like our town.

As I arrived at my class everyone inside were muddled in one place talking to each other. Not even caring one bit what was going on I took my seat at the middle of the class. My teacher arrived and checked the attendance of the students. When I confirmed that I'm there he just looks up with a mock-surprised face. "Ms Brown did you decide that your last year would be a one without daily remarks about being too late to class?" Everyone in the class room chuckled but I just smiled and tried hard not to roll my eyes. "I'll try, sir, but no promises."

History was boring, so was biology and algebra.On my way to the cafeteria I noticed that everyone was still whispering around. I hadn't seen anyone new in the halls or in my classes so I was getting kind of confused since our school was really small. Already sitting at our usual table Sarah chatted with our friends Trish, Anne, Marc and Felix. They all looked as mysterious as everyone else in this school. "Did you convert to the 'new guy' whispering club too now?" At this everyone looked at me and Sarah enthusiastically smiled my way. "New guy is really really hot like crazy hot, this guy could be a greek god for all I know." This earned her an angry look by Marc which she just replied to with a hand kiss. "And did anyone talk to him?" I started eating my lunch but gave Sarah a nod to continue. "Ja, i heard that someone talked to him and that he's really mysterious and stuff and every single girl already wants him so go get him first!" She practically shoved me of my seat nudging me in a direction.

He was sitting there, new found 'Greek god' at the end of the cafeteria, alone. He was really handsome I had to admit that but he just looked like the guy thats too occupied with being the mysterious one so that he can't even talk with you without sounding uninterested. "Sa, I'm not going to sit with him like a stalker and I am not going to talk to him. He doesn't seem interested in being here at all, I mean who would, we live in the middle of nowhere." Trish nodded for my liking too enthusiastically at that. "I guess you are right he's more my type anyway, I don't think you're his type." I just rolled my eyes at that. Trish and I never really got along too well, she annoyed the crap out of me but she still was a part of our group, we knew each other since kindergarten, I would never risk us splitten over her.

As Sarah and I were walking to our lockers I saw him struggling with his locker. I debated with myself if I should help him but since I am the nice kid that I am I did it anyways. "You should try not to do it too forcefully, these old things just need some love sometimes, see?" I opened the locker for him with ease and gave him a small smile. He didn't even look at me. "I'm not interested, so don't get your hopes up." I was a bit dumbfounded, what a douche. "Sorry, just trying to help, you're welcome." With that I just turned and walked back to Sarah and we continued our way to our own lockers. "What an asshole. I was just trying to help him, where does he come from 'No manners town'?" Sarah just looked sad, probably because she lost the hope of me dating him.

Last three periods got by like a blur, i couldn't really concentrate since that incident with new guy, just that he wasn't new guy anymore. I had Spanish with him and learned that his name was Luke Anderson. I just couldn't understand how someone could be so rude. Don't people usually try to find friends at their first day? Or just be at least nice to someone who was just trying to help. New Guy (I decided that i wouldn't call him Luke since Luke was too human for him and it was a nice name and he wasn't so no Luke.) sometimes gave me looks in Spanish but I ignored them. I had dignity and wasn't going to loose it by smiling at rude new guy.

After school I went to Sarahs house since she only lived two streets from me and i wasn't feeling like going home. We kind of spend the whole day watching old movies, listening to music and her complaining about the truth about new guy. She called him Luke since she's not a fan of excluding people and in her eyes calling Luke 'new guy' was excluding him. She actually seemed kind of sad that he was so rude I guess she really wants me to have a boyfriend.

At dinner time I decided that I had enough Sarah for one day and made my way home.As I was leaving her house, New Guy was sitting on his porch just looking round. Our eyes met and we kind of just looked at each other for a while. After a while I could untie our stares and without saying anything I turned on my heels and walked the street to my house.

I could feel his stare in my back while I walked in his sight and couldn't help myself and feel a little thrilled of whats to come with new guy.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2017 ⏰

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