Red Rocket ((Stan))(Lemon)

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Part 2, ending to "Red Rocket" Stan x reader


"KEVIN! WHAT TIME IS IT?" I yelled from my room's bathroom while getting changed for the little hangout with Stan and Kyle. I was WAY too excited for this.
Kevin checked his phone and read his lockscreen "It's 3:27! Hurry up Mr. Marsh!"
I groaned at his reply. I had no more time. I had to rush to Starks Pond or they'll think I ditched, maybe even think I don't care that much.

I quickly zipped up my black ripped jeans and pull on my (F/C) sweater. I spray some of my favourite perfume and rubbed some gel on my hair to make sure it was all in place and prefect. I did it so that not even one strand could mess up and I don't look like the total loser hanging out with a cute nerd and a handsome jock that got invited to be with them cause they felt bad.

I turn the bathroom's doorknob and stepped out on my white carpet, facing Kevin as his jaw drops when he views me "WHOA! LOOK AT YOU! STAN'S A LUCKY SON OF A BITCH! IF I WERE GAY I'D TOTALLY DUMP RED FOR YOU!" He grinned widely and I blushed as my lips curved. "Why thank you, young man I totally needed you to brush my ego cause I was freaking out" I joked in a 'rich guy' voice and snickered.
When Kevin walked me over to starks pond, I spotted Stanley and Kyle talking about something. I didn't want to eavesdrop like a total creep so I turned my attention to Kevin as his smile grew wider at the sight of the raven haired boy.
He motioned for me to go and said "Have fun!" while making a hoop with his finger and used the finger of his other hand to insert it. You knew what he was referring to and pouted blushing slightly.

You slowly walk over to not startle them.

You approached closer and then they spot you. Stan quickly stood straight and Kyle pushed him forward and shushed him.

They walked over to you, with Kyle giving you a friendly smile and a hug. He looked very excited. A little too excited. Usually in school he's either annoyed because of Cartman or worried about something. The only time you see him happy is when he's sharing dumb jokes with Stan.
Stan let out a small shy 'hi' and you guys started walking together around the pond.


UGH. Really? I sounded like such a wuss. A 'hhhhi...' was all that I could manage? How bad is it gonna be when Kenny calls then Kyle goes home lying that his mom called him and I'm just awkwardly walking with my crush.

Kyle and (Y/n) were talking about poontang and how they don't know what the hell it means but then I hear that noise that makes me flinch. That damned song.

Kyle's phone was ringing.

Kyle quickly grabbed his phone and gave me a reassuring smile. He answered it and started talking to Kenny pretending it was his mom, "Hi mom! Oh What?! But mom I'm out right now! Oh alright, fine... Sorry guys you two are on your own my mom called and you know her when she gets mad heheh."

He waved at us and gave me a secret wink when he walked in front of me.

I got sick in the stomach. Oh no Stanley. You will NOT ruin this! He isn't Wendy he's speci- WAIT! I DIDN'T BREAK UP WITH HER YET! "AH SHIT!" I blurted out and quickly covered my mouth.

(Y/n) got startled then looked at me with concern and a little bit of hurt "Well Stan, uh if you don't want to hang around me now that Kyle's gone that a-alright. I seriously don't mind." He gave a sweet smile that I loved so much. "Oh nono I didn't say it because of Ky I just--remember something I REALLY had to have done.." He nodded understandingly and catched up to me again when I started walking again.

I slowed my pace and faced him again whilst the snow crunched under our boots. "So... Um.. I-I've been meaning to ask you this, (Y/n)." All his attention was on me now and his face was alerted and curious. How cute.
I slurred and stuttered my words here and there but I asked him if he was straight. I got butterflies in my stomach when he said he likes boys strictly.

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