Wedding PT 1

208 9 3

Three weeks later

"Breathe in. Breathe out. Breath in" Rose kept repeating to herself well rubbing her hands up and down her thighs as she was getting her hair done

"All done" Sarah said then smiled at Rose in the mirror "As pretty as a picture" she added

Rose got up and walked towards her dress she stared at if for a moment she felt the nerves start to rise in her stomach "Breathe in. Breath out" she started to say again

"Rose" Renee said walking into the room "The girls are here and the photographer to take pictures after we get ready" she added laying her maid of honor dress on the back of her chair

"Ro" she said a little louder Rose finally turned around and looked at her.

"Sorry" she said with a smile then looked down.

"Ro I know your nervous but you and Joe have been through hell in back to get to this point this is going to be the happiest day of your life next to having my God baby" Renee said "And I promise not only as your maid of honor but as your best friend that nothing will ruin today" she said hugging her.

The door opened Nikki, Maryse, Trinity, Lynn, Stephanie, Nessa and their moms all came in and started on their hair.

"Ro" her mom called out "Do you have your something old, new, barrowed and Blue?" she asked

Rose thought about it for a minute before answering "Well the new is my dress, my gardener is blue, my earrings are the ones dad gave me for my sixteenth birthday just missing something barrowed" she told her.

Leati's mom got up and walked over to Rose "I can help with that" she said smiling then opened the box in her hands "These pearls have been a part of the Anoa'I weddings for decades the only woman who wear them are ones who have been accepted into our family with love and honor. This is a symbol that we will protect you and care for you at all times. Sika's mother gave them to me on my wedding day and now I would be honored and so would Sika if you were to wear them today" she said taking them out of the box

Rose turned around so she can put them on she turned to face his mom as a the tears rolled down both of their cheeks "Rose I want you to know that you are truly one of a kind and I am so happy that my Leati found you" Patricia said

"You are the true love of his life and gave him a new hope and for that I will be forever grateful to you" she added while kissing her cheek

Rose turned to see everyone else crying to "Good thing are makeup isn't done" Nessa said before hugging Rose.

Leati paced around the room as he was reading his vowels to make edits were needed he shook his head no before scratching out a part he heard the door open but didn't look up "I could add that" he mumbled to himself

"Joe man calm down and speak from the heart" Randy said as he was unloading his tux "it's what I did with Kim" he added before getting dressed

Leati nodded his head in agreement before joining the rest of the guys Dean pulled out a bottle of whiskey and poured them all a shot

"Just one shot before the wedding to calm everyone's nerves" he handed one to Randy, Mike, Paul, Cena, Jon, Josh, Sika and Rose's dad

"To true love" Dean said before they all clicked glasses and downed the shot "Stop standing around fellas we have a wedding to get to" Dean yelled then grabbed his tux to get dressed the rest rolled their eyes before getting dressed to

Paul Sr walked over to Leati "Can I have a word with you?" he asked him they stepped to the other side of the room Leati got nervous not being able to read his expression

"Ok first let me say this that is my little girl and she has been through hell and back when it comes to love but she sees something in you something that I thought she lost a long time ago she sees happiness" he said to him

"She loves you without a shadow of doubt and you mean the world to her so I will say this as kindly as I can if you hurt her in any way which if you're a smart boy you won't but if you do I will kill you" he said with a serious tone

"Not if I kill you first" they turned to see Paul standing there "That's my baby sister I will protect her till the day I die and I don't care who I have to hurt to do it" he said before rejoining the rest of the guys

"I want you to have this" he said handing Leati a ring "It was my mother's I gave it to her mom when we got married it's a symbol that no matter what love will always win" he said while wiping a few tears

"Just promise to take care of her and both of my grandbabies" he said smiling

Leati smiled from ear to ear and shook his hand "I promise I will and I won't ever let her go" he told him before they went to join the other guys

All the guys were ready they were all dressed in black tuxes, with a gray shirt, a purple tie and a purple rose pinned to their chest the photographer came in to take pictures Leati let a huge smile come to his face because he was marrying the love of his life

Rose smiled brightly at all the woman standing in front of her Renee wore a purple dress that had lace straps and a lace top the other women wore purple floor length dresses that were lace at the top and hung off their shoulders.

"You all look so beautiful " she said to them she turned and bent down to were JoJo, Aurora, Murphy and Vaughn were standing they all wore Purple dresses with a gray cover and all their hair pulled in to a curly ponytail.

"My girls look so good" she said smiling at them and then standing up and she went to put her dress on she stepped into as Nikki buttoned up the back she turned to face everyone and smiled brightly trying to hold back the tears

"Oh my veil" she said her mom grabbed it and put it on her head and then kissed her cheek

"I love you Ro" she said

"I love you to Mama" Rose said smiling

"Who's ready for a wedding?" she said happily as everyone made their way to the door

Leati stood at the doors as the guest were all looking back and his mom joined his side "Ready Le?" she asked

"Since day one" he said smiling as the ceremony started and they made their way to the alter.

A/N: Ok truth time I got a little sad writing this especially the part with her mom, Leati's mom and her dad.

Sorry just emotional for me.. I miss my parents

Please let me know what you think

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