Plans Changed

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After the instructor showed up and went over the details everyone climbed on the boat Rose and Leati went to the front Leati sat down with his back against the seat and his feet spread in front of him as Rose sat between his legs and leaned back on him as he tighten his arms around her as the boat took off.

Rose smiled as the crisp air hit her face and Leati placed kisses to her temple "Can we just quit our jobs, pack and move here?" she asked with a smile

"If you want" he said placing a kiss to her neck she let her hand shoot to the back of his head holding his head in place "You want more?" He whispered in her ear which earned him a moan

"Newlyweds?" they heard a voice say they turned their heads to look at the older couple sitting across from them

"Yes" Leati said happily "Leati and Rose" he said to them

"Patrick and Vanessa" the man introduced him and the women next to him.

"We can tell" Vanessa said "That was us forty years ago" she added with a huge smile "Keep doing what you're doing and that spark that you two have will stay alive" she said with a wink

Rose smiled up at Leati and knew in heart of hearts that they would never stop loving each other the boat reached their destination Rose gasped as she seen the dolphins swimming around they stepped off the boat and went to go put the wet suits that were waiting for them Leati put his on quickly and went to help Rose with hers but the zipper got stuck in the boob area

"And it starts" she said laughing looking down at her boobs

"I am somehow ok with this" he said pecking her lips before zipping it up the rest of the way

"Ok everyone can come in the water" the instructor called out he explained how to properly ride the dolphins so no one got hurt

Rose was laughing to the point of tears as Leati sat there throwing a fit "It's really not that funny" he said eyeing her "You could have been a widow" he said slumping more on to the steps in the water

"Le" she said looking at him trying to hold back her laugh

"It try to take me out" he said looking at the dolphin with a glare

"You're such a baby" she said looking at him laughing "you grabbed the fin wrong so it freaked out babe" she stepping in the water and going towards the dolphin

"Let me see you do better" he said Rose walked up rubbed the dolphin's head and placed a kiss on it she gently grabbed the fin and the made the click sound and they took off into the water at a gentle pace after a few rounds around the water she came back in front of Leati

"Whatever" he said with a laugh before walking towards her so they could take pictures.

As they were walking to take their suits off they could feel Seth and Tracy staring at them so Rose decided it was time to petty

"I can't wait to show JoJo the pictures" she said smiling "Actually speaking of our daughter I really miss her Le" she said looking at him

"Me too love" he said looking at her "We can call her tonight" he added before grabbing her hand and walking off towards the sting rays

Tracy was seething as she heard what Rose said "That bitch is not her mom" she yelled causing a few people to look in their direction

"Babe calm down" Colby said rubbing her back "Your right she's not but let's not cause any trouble because he could use that against us when the hearing comes back up" he added kissing her head

"Your right I don't want to jeopardized getting JoJo back and away from them so we can be a family" she said kissing him

"It's going to crush them when they lose her" Tracy said with a smirk "Can some say blame and divorce" she added with a laugh as they went in the same direction as the others.

After feeding the sting rays and seeing a few sights they went back to the main shore as they were headed to the car they heard Patrick call their names

"You left this on the boat" he said as he handed them the camera

"Thank you" Rose said grabbing it from him "It was nice meeting both of you" she added looking at him and Vanessa

"Don't ever let anyone or anything come in-between you two because just by the looks of it you have a one in kind love" Patrick said with a wink then waved goodbye

Rose and Leati walked in to the hotel and collapsed on the bed before Rose grabbed her phone and called the airport

"Yes hello I was wondering if you had flights back to Florida for tonight" she said into the phone Leati leaned up on his elbows giving her a weird look

"There is one in two hours, Can I change my flight then?" she asked "Anoa'I" she answered "Ok thank you so much" she added before hanging up the phone

"Babe" he said looking at her "Why did you change the flight? We weren't supposed to leave for another four days" he said getting off the bed

"I know but I miss JoJo and want us to spend the rest of your days off with her since you will only be home for a few days once were back so I figured we can go on a family vacation" she said with smile

"I love you" he said before packing the bags Rose grabbed her phone sending a text to Renee telling her about the change of plans as they checked out and headed to the airport

Don't tell Jo we want to surprise her-Rose

"So where were you wanting to go?" he asked as they boarded the plane

"Where ever sweet pea wants to head we will go" she said smiling

"Sounds good to me" he said as Rose laid on his shoulder "Love you wife" he said closing his eyes

"Love you too husband" she said falling asleep for the rest of the plane right.

A/n: So they did a great job of ignoring them and leaving without them knowing ... But damn Tracy and Colby are something else!... And JoJo is coming back yay!

Moved On!حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن