Beat up and adopted

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Hi I am Han Yeong and I am 4 years old living on the streets of Seoul, South Korea and people stop to feed me but they never stop and talk. I have been living on the streets since I was 2 years old. I was minding my own when 4 boys walked into the alley I was in and started to beat me up and spit curse words at me. "Stop" I hear behind the boys and look behind them and see 6 men standing there. The 4 boys that were beating me up stopped kicking me and looked behind them and stood there "Run along nothing to see here" said Sanghyun the leader of the 4 boys "No you get going, Sanghyun" "Sanghyuk, hyung?" the boy that said Sanghyun's name walked closer and into Sanghyun's face and said "Yep now go boy" "Ne, hyung" the 4 boys left and ran away from the alley. Sanghyuk I believe walked closer to me and put and arm on my shoulder, I couldn't tell what he said because I fainted.

At the hospital

I woke up in a hospital and the 6 men around the bed and one of them awake. He looks up and sees me "Hey, I am Hongbin. What's your name?" "My name is Han Yeong and I am 4 years old" "How long have you been living on the streets?" "For 2 years" "2 years?!" he yelled a bit too loud and woke them all up except one boy "Kong why did you wake us up" "Sorry Ken hyung" a nurse comes in and sees them sitting and talking. The nurse clears her throat "Can I be alone with the girl for a moment" "Sure" and they leave the room leaving me and the nurse "How are you feeling, sweetie?" "I am feeling fine but my side hurts" "Who where those boys that beat you up" "Sanghyun, Minbyul, Wonbin, and Hyobin." "Thank you so much" (a/n: I do not own 3 of the names I borrowed them from someone since I can't come up with Korean names and Minbyul is Leo's nephew's name) The nurse leaves and the guys come in "Who beat you up" "4 boys named Sanghyun, Minbyul, Wonbin, and Hyobin" Sanghyuk, Hongbin, and two other boys looked at each other "Did you say Minbyul?" "Yes, why" "He is my nephew" "Oh, ok" "It's okay I will tell my sister to scold him when he gets home" He pulls out his phone and calls his sister "Hey sis...Well, I am at the hospital right now with a little girl who says that Minbyul was beating her up. And she is sure of it...Can you scold him for me because I know if I scold him I will let it slide after 2 seconds...Ok, thanks noona" he hangs up the phone and turns to me and says "I am Leo or Taekwoon" "Hi, I am Han Yeong" "I am N or Hakyeon" "I am Ravi or Wonshik" "I am Hyuk or Sanghyuk" "I am Jaehwan or Ken" "Hi" we talked for hours I could get discharged and we walked out and into a black van "You can come in" I get into the van and sit in between Hyuk and Ravi "Hey, Yeong do you know if you have any siblings?" "Not that I know of but I do know my parents are famous people" "Really, same for me but I have a younger brother but you already met him" "Yep" I look at Ravi and turn so my back is against his arm. I look back at Hyuk and smile at him. Ravi moved his arm and put it on my chest and pulled me closer to him and hugged me "Ravi oppa, you okay?" "Yeah, I'm fine its just that my little brother beating you up? That doesn't sound like him" "Well I think he had a reason" "Well Wonbin was a great kid when he was younger but now he is mean" "Guys we are here" I look out of the window and see a huge house. N oppa pulled up to the house and got out same as us. A man was waiting for us and I hid behind Hyuk oppa "Hey, it's okay Yeong nothing to be scared about he is our manager" "Ok" I say softly. "Boys where were you?" "We were at the hospital" "Why, none of you are hurt that I know of" "Not for us but for" Hyuk brings me forward and I come out from behind his legs "Her" "Who is she?" "She is Han Yeong, she was living on the streets since she was 2 years old" "Ok, but Hyuk you are in charge of her" "Ne hyung" We all walk inside and go to the living room. We all talk until we go to bed and I get to sleep with Hyuk appa tonight "Night, appa" "Night, kid"


This is different and the girl doesn't know Hyuk and Sanghyun are her older brothers. I changed her name from Sahyun to Yeong but I hope you guys enjoy this part if not please dont' tell me

Words: 835


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