Visiting Grandma and Grandpa

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I woke up in my new room and I get out of bed and get changed for the day since I am going with Appa to see his parents. I sit in my room and grab a notebook and start to draw. I was the only person that learned how to draw at a young age. I was pretty darn good at it too. I hear someone walking towards my room. "Hey kid" "Hey Appa" "You ready?" "Yep" I get off of my bed and walk with Appa until I was almost out of my door I ran back to my bed and grabbed my notebook and pencils. "You draw?" "Yep. I was the only kid in my family that learned how to draw at a very young age." "Well let's get going" "Ok" We walk out to the van and get into it and I sit in the back while Appa sits in the front with Manager oppa. "My parents house please hyung" "Sure Hyuk" it takes us a while to drive to the house but we got there. "Yeong-ah , we'er here" "OK" I stretch my arms and get out of the car and walk with Appa to the door. Appa knocks on the door. After a few minutes 2 people walk to the door and hug Appa and drag him in. After Appa was dragged he told his parents something and opened the door. "Hi" I wave at them and they smile at me and look at Appa and glare. "Sanghyuk what is this" "My daughter" "Real daughter" "No, my adopted daughter" "Ok, good" They let me come in and I see Sanghyun sitting on the couch. I whimpered at the sight of him. "What Yeong-ah" I point at Sanghyun and Appa looks at him with a glare and Sanghyun runs away and Appa chases him down the hall "Hi, Yeong" "Hi" "Are you really Hyuk's daughter?" "Yes" "Sanghyuk, Where are you" I see a woman walking down the hall with a weird smile on her face "Who is this" she points at me "Sweetie, this is Sanghyuk's daughter" "Wow, real?" "Nope his adopted daughter" "Oh, how cute" I see Appa stick his head out of a room and make a funny face to make me laugh. I giggle. "What's so funny kid?" "Nothing" "Better be" I walk towards the room Appa is in and I see him and Sanghyun playing video games. "Ha" "Aww." I hear from both and giggle. Sanghyun and Appa look towards me and Sanghyun sends me a glare, I whimper again. Appa looks at Sanghyun and says "Tell her now." Sanghyun looks at me and says "Yeong-ah, I am sorry for beating you up. I hope you can forgive me" "I can forgive you Sanghyun but I can never forget" "Nice quote sweetie" "Thanks Appa" Sanghyun gives me and Appa a weird look. "Bruh" "Other word kid" "Sorry, hyung and noona is looking for you" Appa sighs and looks down "Of course she is" and he yells "NOONA"  "Sanghyukkie" she pops her head in and sees Sanghyun and Appa. "You" she looks at Sanghyun "And you" She looks at Appa and hugs him "Hi, noona" "I miss you" "I missed you too" They pull away to see me drawing and Sanghyun play games. "Sanghyun we need to go" "NO" "You idget" "I am not an idget stupid" I look at him and walk behind him and smack him in the head. He looks behind him and I point to Appa's sister. Sanghyun gets mad and screams "OMMA" "WHAT" "Noona hit me" "No I didn't I was talking to Sanghyuk" they started to fight and Appa walks to me and says "Nice job" and holds his hand for a high-five "Yep" and I give him a high five "Can I see what you are drawing?" "Ok" I show him what I was drawing (below)

Appa had his mouth open "Close your mouth or a bug will fly in there" he closes his mouth and looks at me with sad eyes "Appa what's wrong?" "I love the picture so I am crying because a dad should be proud of his daughter, right?" "Yep" I hug him ...

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Appa had his mouth open "Close your mouth or a bug will fly in there" he closes his mouth and looks at me with sad eyes "Appa what's wrong?" "I love the picture so I am crying because a dad should be proud of his daughter, right?" "Yep" I hug him and he hugs me back and I hear sniffling behind us "Omma, Appa how long have you been standing there?" "A few seconds before you started to cry Sanghyuk" they start to hug. After a few minutes they stop and Appa stops sniffling and smiles at me "Let's have lunch shall we" I grab my stuff and walk next to Appa "Yep" "Can we stay for lunch?" "Yes, you can we need to know how you are doing in Seoul." The rest of the day was fun. When we get home I go straight to my room but was stopped by Appa. "Hey you wanna go with..."


CLIFHANGER 3 updates in 1 day AWESOME


Words: 784

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