[AC2] You're Gonna Go Far, Kid [10]

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Miranda found herself gaping up at the familiar face of Ezio Auditore da Firenze. He had grown rather handsome in the years she had been away [even with the newest wound over his lips, leaving his own blood smeared over his cheek and chin and even one over his eye] and it irked her that she could feel a blush form over her cheeks. She also cursed the fact that while she had been rushing away from her latest mission (and managing not to spill blood on her robes) that she had to bump into him and that her hood just had to fall off.

It seemed Lady Luck just did not like her anymore. Or maybe Lady Luck was just bipolar...

"Well, what's a beautiful woman like yourself doing around here?" Ezio questioned smoothly, ignoring the writhing bodies around them. Obviously the remains of a fight Miranda had just missed. Some ways behind Ezio stood his elder brother, Frederico, watching amused.

"Ah," she thanked Lady Luck for at least not allowing Ezio to recognize her. "I'm late! I gotta go!" Miranda stuttered out before brushing past him and towards where she thought Paola's home was.

"Looks like baby brother is losing his touch!" came Frederico's jest. She didn't hear Ezio's reply.


"Ah, what a night!" Ezio grins, his scratches feeling better thanks to the doctor. "It'd be amazing if they were all like this, yeah? Oh, wait... They are."

He and his brother shared a chuckle at that; fighting, women, and wine, the Auditore brothers couldn't ask for a better life.

"We should head home soon, Ezio. You know how father is." Federico answers solemnly, turning to his younger brother.

"Ah, yes. I'd rather avoid another lecture..."

"Oh, so are you up for a little race then?" Federico smirks, raising an eyebrow at Ezio.

"To where?"

"Hmmm...." Federico ponders, gazing around the square. "Roof of that church." He decides, pointing to said church, the full moon shining brightly behind it.

"You're on, Federico!"

"Alright, on the count of three! One... two... three!" and just like that the elder brother had taken off, hopping up onto crates and onto anything available jutting out from the buildings to get up onto the roofs.

"Hey!" Ezio cried out, following suit, enduring taunting from his elder brother. Though once he passed Federico, the taunting was turned around, especially once he won the race. No hard feelings were there, however, as both brothers held a joyous grin on their faces still.


"Oh, that's cute!" the small sound caused Miranda to stop and glance over to her right where the sound had come from to spot a small boy dressed yellow-tones. His dark brown hair framed a slightly chubby face and he seemed to stare at her.

"What's cute, kidd-o?" Miranda asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Those feathers in your hair," he gestured to one of the three eagle feathers she had strung up in the small braid on the right side of her head. "I collect eagle feathers, so I think they're neat."

Several moments of silence passed by before Miranda sighed - smile forming on her face as she reached up and tugged one of the large feathers out of the braid and handing it to the kid.

"Here kid, a cute feather for a cute kid."


"Petruccio! It's time for you to come in!"

"Coming mother!"


"Something's going to go wrong..." Demetrio muttered, waiting for Miranda back at Paola's. The woman-assassin glances up at the shaggy-haired man, an eyebrow raised.

"Oh? Is that why you have not yet left our city so soon?" She was obviously only playing along.

"Hmmmm... Taunt all you want, Paola. But the Templar's are moving, even if it is subtly."


Both brothers had climbed all the way to the tip-top of the church's bell tower, situating themselves to gaze around their wonderful city, the lights and the people illuminated further by the moon. It really was an ethereal site to behold.

"It is a good life we lead, brother."

"Ah, the best. And may it never change." Ezio agrees, both brothers turning to fully grasp the scenery about them.

[AC2] You're Gonna Go Far, KidWhere stories live. Discover now