Chapter 3

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I peeked my eyes open from the soft warm blanket to find piercing chocolate eyes staring into mine. He growled a short word that I missed before coming at me.

I squalled and squirmed, terrified of this new man. I clawed at the man's arm that was holding me, wanting to be put down so I could run and be free. My yelpd and barks echoed through the quiet trees.

I shook as chocolate eyes reached for me, waiting to be in trouble and in pain. I was shocked to be met with warmth and safety as he cradled me to his chest.

"I've got you Puppy. You're safe."

I nuzzled his hand feeling something I had never felt before. Home.


She was so soft and little, a fluffy little grey furball they would look extravagant against my light brown wolf. She was my little puppy, and I knew that she was going to be my best friend and my love.

"Thank you for choosing my pack to bring her. Would you all like dinner and a place to rest?" I asked the group.

"No alpha sir, we appreciate your kindness." They left then. That's how the Seekers always were, like a secret organization fit to protect all werewolves.

"Alright Puppy, let's go inside to help you shift back."

I set her down on the bedroom carpet, gathering a t-shirt and sweatpants of mine for her to wear until she could borrow somebody else's.

"It'll be natural after you do it a few times, love. Just imagine yourself in human form and relax."

She softly whimpered, shutting her eyes and laying to rest on her paws. It was a few minutes later that my beautiful human mate lay curled to hide herself.

"Here are some clothes, my love," I murmur, turning away to give her privacy.

"Okay," she whispered, her voice soft and silky, full of warmth and admiration.

I walked to where she was sitting on the floor, sitting down in front of her, tucking a piece of her curly brown hair behind her ear. "You're absolutely beautiful, Puppy."

I held my arms open then and the tiny girl curled into my lap immediately.  "My name is Willa," she murmured into my neck. "I'm so glad those nice men brought me to you."

"Me too, Willa. Me too."

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