Chapter 2 | Aqquantices

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Inko midoriya kneeled beside the toilet hyperventilating, her rabbit ears shook with her body as they hung lower than ever. Little streams of blood mixed with vomit dribbled down her chin. Her poor sweet little Izuku was currently at school. Good, she bitterly thought. She didn't want him to ever see her like this again.

With way too much effort for a simple task she hauled her trembling body to the side. God, how much more can she handle? No, she couldn't afford to think like that! She needed to be strong for everybody. She needed to be there for Izuku.

Y'see, Inko Midoriya struggled with a deadly illness for as long as she could remember. To sum it up, her body and quirk didn't get along and were constantly at war with each other. Something about her body trying to reject her own quirk? Along those lines at the very least. Thankfully, since she had such a weak quirk that she almost never used the illness wasn't deadly in any way. The worse thing she could do is overexert herself physically and, well, y'know. End up like this.

Everybody knew, it wasn't some well hidden secret. She was actually quite open about it. What was a secret though was how much she actually pushed herself for others. People knew that she already pushed herself raising Izuku but also balancing numerous jobs on top of that? It took quite the toll on her body. It was, to say the least, tough. She knew she had others to rely on though. Just that thought was enough comfort to push her through another day.

Mitsuki, 'Kacchan's' mother, was the biggest help. Despite being busy herself if Inko ever needed anything she was the girl to go to. She listened to Inko's rambles, took over any shifts if she needed her to, lent her a bit of money when times grew dry, and even tried her hand at babysitting. Although that last one never really worked out quite well. She tried though, and Inko appreciated her efforts greatly.

She desperately needed a babysitter soon though. Izuku was beginning to feel more than a little neglected. She could see the signs, she wasn't stupid, she just couldn't do anything. The entire problem sent a pang of guilt to her heart. Her child was silently suffering. She knew it could be worse though.

Pushing these dark thoughts aside she stood up onto her shaky legs. She badly needed some fresh air a sickly clammy aroma was slowly dominating the once clean home environment and it definitely wasn't helping her state right now.

With a little bit of difficulty she slipped out of the bathroom. From there came a bigger struggle. The toys. Trying to avoid the millions of toys scattered in every creak and crevice was like a whole obstacle course on its own. Izuku was only three but already becoming such a messy hoarder by the looks of it. Just like his father. Heading on over to the front door she pushed her slipper-like shoes on and carefully walked out. With one last look and a gentle smile at her own thoughts she carefully stepped outside. Keys in hand she locked the door behind her. Better safe than sorry.

The air was rejuvenating. She had been so jammed up in her own home for so long she was worried she'd forgotten what just even a little fresh air could do. She was simply walking around the block. Trees swayed with the gentle Sumer breeze, a humming bird somewhere off in the distance played her a tune. Kids with their parents were running here and there playing some kind of tag game. Taking in her environment was so relaxing. She only really snapped out of her serene daze when a voice called out her name.


She didn't recognize the voice, but something about it was a eerily familiar. Why did this voice remind her of somebody? Turning around fully to take in the strangers appearance, she was decently surprised. A teenager stood before her. His black hoodie was pulled up tight over his head with equally dark pants and shoes to match. The only noteworthy thing to stand out was those wide red eyes that peaked through the curtain hair. They were filled with more than just a little shock. If she didn't have at least a little sense of familiarity towards him she would have just blindly assumed he was some delusional boy. No, she knew better, she could easily recognize those big bright red eyes.


She wasn't sure if it was really him but judging by his slightly dropped jaw, wide eyes, and just overall reaction she was correct. He was so different though. The last time she met the boy he was merely a child maybe four or six. The boy she was staring at had certainly changed drastically. For one, he was taller. Way taller. His hair had grown quite long since before. Not to mention very greasy and scruffy like. Did he just recently become a teenager? He really badly needed a shower. She took bitter note of how unhealthy he was already looking, that wasn't good. Other than that though he was an exact copy of a poor young child she once met up with from time to time for a couple years to help, and if she's right-

"Uh, Inko, you're rambling again."

He suppressed a chuckle as the woman immediately started profusely apologizing, face beet red after accidentally unconsciously going off into a not-so-silent inner monologue. It wasn't unusual though, he'd learn better than most this was quite normal for her. He found it more amusing than anything else honestly.

"I'm so sorry about that, Tenko! I-It's just I haven't seen you for so long- actually I'm surprised you even remember me- and also since, well, y'know you kinda disappeared. I might have assumed the best-case-scenarios and worse-case scenarios, ya know? Point is I didn't really know Im pretty sure I haven't seen you since you were," she flattened her hand raising it to at least a little below her hip, "this big! Oh, man, I myself didn't even really realize how long it's truly been!"

Shigaraki lightly blushed his cat ears flattening embarrassingly against his head further at the woman's words. Moving his head ever so slightly to avoid eye contact he nervously answered, "I-I guess you're right? Is t-that a bad thing..?"

She put on that amazing smile of hers again, a smile he missed a lot for a long time. It was the kind of smile that could light up a room in an instant. "Of course not! I actually live nearby here. I could make some tea and we can catch up! Just like old times, remember?"

Shigaraki let the ghost of a smile dust his lips. His cat ears perked up as his tail subtly made happy little thrashing loops behind himself. "I would like that..."

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