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As she walks in I feel a fluttering in my heart. When did I start seeing her differently? Maybe it's the way she smiles at you when you talk to her or maybe it's the way she gives you her full attention when you talk. Maybe it's the way she talks or maybe the way she laughs. Maybe it's the way she moves her hands around when she talks. Maybe it's the way she gets excited. Maybe it's the way she doesn't care what people think. Maybe it's because she isn't afraid to be herself. I don't know, but I do know that I love her unconditionally.

I like to write from other point of views. I try to imagine how they see things. Either that or I imagine how I would like a guy to see me. I don't want a guy to see me just because of the physical. I want a guy to notice the little details to take the time to get to know me. 

Excerpts from Stories I may Never WriteWhere stories live. Discover now