2. Morning Strolls

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Tori's POV

Monday mornings suck, but I've got to get moving. It's 6:30, and I'm already arguing with Gravy as he hates being on a lead.

"Gravy come on" I begin to start arguing with him. "Agh finally!" I exclaim as I clip on his lead to his collar. "Let's go boy." I tell him as we exit the house.

Sun's shining as it rises, and I can already tell that today is going to be a lovely day. However my sunshine does not last long as a shadow casts over me. Stopping I look up to find Dustin.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" I ask surprised to see him.

"Well I was going to go for a run, but then I saw you and thought a morning stroll might be nicer. If you'll have me of course?" Dustin answers.

"Sure, I'd love for you to join me" I reply way to quickly it was embarrassing how eager I was.

So a gentle and comforting silence over comes us as we continue to walk on this beautiful morning. As house after house we past, the quietness between us begins to weigh down on me as I am one that does not enjoy living through an awkward silence.

"So what have you got on for the day?" I ask.

"I have a morning meeting and then training. How about you?" Dustin says.

"Well I'm an art teacher at Richmond High School, so today I have school." I laugh.

"That sounds fun. I guess" He answers.

"It pays the bills. And the kids grow on you after a while" I say.

"So your an artist, any good?" He asks.

"I'd like to think so" I reply back.

"You'll have to show me some of your work sometime" Dustin suggests.

"Maybe, I'll have to think about it" I joke.

"Yeah you do that!" He jokes back. "So any plans Friday night?" He asks.

This causes me to stop walking and turn to face Dustin, "No, what have you got in mind?" I ask cheekily with a smile.

"I was thinking you, me and dinner at my place" Dustin announces.

"I like the sound of that, it's a date" I answer.

"It's a date!" Dustin says smiling.

The conversation comes to an end as we are back round out the front of our places.

"I guess I'll see you later neighbour" I say.

"Have fun at school!" Dustin shouts as he walks up his own walkway.

"Have fun at training!" I shout back as Gravy voices out a bark.

Tori's Outfit

Tori's Outfit

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