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This was written a few days ago!

2:33 am

So I am currently on an airplane on the way to Barcelona, and everyone else on the flight is asleep. I'm not joking, literally everyone else is dead asleep, and I'm wide awake watching Big Bang Theory.

Our flight left Oakland at around 8 or 9 pm California time. We went up to Montana, through Canada, up to the tip of Greenland, and we're on our way back down to Spain. It's an 11 hour 20 minute flight, and we have 5 hours left. The sun is starting to come up, and it's actually really pretty (I'm not allowed to have my window slide thing up because people are trying to sleep, but u have it up a few inches because of my claustrophobia.

So far, I have watched the new It movie (not scary, I give it one star on scare and three on quality, so two), Everything, Everything (amazing movie, four stars from me), an entire season of Big Bang Theory, and now Clown on my Kindle. I've written, read, and played Mario Kart as well on my Switch.

The person in front of my has decided to have his seat fully reclined for the entire plane ride so and it's actually quite annoying. It is nearly impossible to get anything out from my duffel bag, but I've somehow managed.

I hope everyone who celebrates had a good Christmas. Leave a comment on what your favorite gift/s was/were. I had two Christmases because my mom and Dad are divorced, and both were great. I got a new phone from my dad (my old one was badly damaged and barely worked), Dodie Clark's book Secrets of the Mad, and a mermaid blanket that I am using on the flight right now. At my mom's I got a Switch, another book, tickets to go see Interactive Introverts in Seattle with my friend, and Truth Bombs.

I want to get to know you guys more, so I'm going to ask you a series of questions. You do not have to answer them as it is your choice.

1) What is your favourite real life book?

2) What country are you from? If you are from the States, what state?

3) How old are you?

4) Do you have any pets?

5) Have you ever been to a different country? If so, which one?

My answers:

1) Goodbye Days

2) I am from California in the US. Not the stereotypical California though where there's ocean, warm, and palm trees, but closer to Oregon.

3) I am 13, but act more mature then I am (except for around my friends, but who's mature around their friends?)

4) I have two dogs and a cat at my moms, and two dogs and a cat at my dads.

5) Well, I've never officially been on the ground in a different country, but I have flown over Canada and Greenland already. Give me another 4.5 hours and I'll be in a different country.

Well, hopefully I'll learn more about you guys, and maybe you learned more about me as well.

Who knew it could be 3:25 AM and light outside. I'm not joking, it would be really bright in here, but the airline asked us to keep our blinds closed for the people who are trying to sleep.

I'm probably only still awake because of the iced coffee I bought at the airport and drank. Or the fact that I can never sleep on airplanes.

It is now 3:34 California time, 5:34 San Antonio time, 11:34 London time, and 12:34 Spain time, all morning times.

I'm now Pretty Sure that the movie Clown is how Pennywise was 'created'.

Basically, some guy puts on a cloud costume to be a Clown for his sons birthday party, but then he can't get the suit off because it's a Demons skin and he's now turning into a demon. Sounds fun and not demonic at all right? Warning, don't watch if you don't like blood, there's a lot of it.

It's a .5 on my scare scale. IT was a 1☆. Happy Death Day would be a .2 (it was more funny then scary).


To anyone who doesn't know what Interactive Introverts is, it's a stage show that is next year by the two YouTubers, Daniel Howell (rip danisnotonfire) and Phil Lester  (AmazingPhil). They are going all across the world on a tour next year starting in April, most likely ending in September.

I highly recommend that you go check out their channels on YouTube, Daniel Howell or AmazingPhil. They also have a gaming channel where they play games *creatively* called DanandPhilGames.

I am completely obsessed with them, and so are a few of my friends.


We have about another hour and 45 minutes until the plane lands and I only have one movie left which will leave 2o minutes left in the flight in total. Enough time for me to get my stuff together and shoes on, but after that, customs and all that jazz. Lovely.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2017 ⏰

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