Ashura 2017 | ۱۴۳۹ | 1439

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Majlis 11: Imam Husayn
Surah al-Fatiha

Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem
Today is 'Ashura' dayl Today is the day of the 10th of Muharram.

'Ashura' day is the most tragic day for all Muslims, in particular Shi'as.

The Day of 'Ashura'...

The day, when 72 brave and faithful men were martyred... The day of great sacrifice... The day Islam was saved from destruction.

The Day of 'Ashura'...

The day the Holy Prophet leaves Heaven to join us in mourning, the day Mawla 'Ali leaves Heaven........The day Bibi Fatimah leaves Heaven, to cry with us, for the 72 martyrs.

The Day of 'Ashura'........A very sad day.......A day full of tragedy.

What shall we recite today? Which tragedy shall we remember today? So much suffering! So many dead! So much sacrifice! So much patience!

Who shall we cry for today? Who shall we do matam for today?

So much to cry for. So much to do matam for.

My friends, if we do not cry today, when else would we cry?

If we do not do matam today, when else would we do matam?

Traditionally, we recite the Shahadat of Imam Husayn today. My fellow Husayni! I have neither the courage nor the heart to recite in detail the Shahadat of Imam Husayn.

Bibi Fatimah is with us. She would like us to recite the last farewell of Husayn from Sakina, Zainab, Kulthoom and the other ladies.

'Ashura' came to the land of Karbala'.

'Ali Akbar gave the Adhan. Everyone prayed Fajr Salat (Prayer).

Yazid's men blew the trumpets to start the battle.

The battle began.

One-by-one, Husayn's friends and companions went to the battlefield and gave their lives for Islam.

By Zuhr time, all the friends and companions were martyred.

'Aun - Muhammad, Bibi Zainab's young sons, went to the baftlefield and were martyred.

Qasim, Bibi Farwah's only son, went to the battlefield and was martyred and trampled by the horses.

'Abbas could not bear the sad cries of "Al-Atash! Al-Atash! Al-Atash!", from his beloved niece, Sakina. He went to get water and did not return. His arms were severed.

'Ali Akbar, the 18 year old youth, went to the battlefield and was martyred with a dreadful wound in his chest.

Since dawn, Imam Husayn had carried 72 bodies to the camp.

Husayn was thirsty, tired, heartbroken.......but he kept on!

Patience was his prayer. And sacrifice to save Islam was his goal.

All Husayn was worried about was saving Islam.

By Asr time, Husayn was left with his baby 'Ali Asghar and his son, Sayyid al-Sajjad - Imam Zainul Abideen who was ill.

'Ali Asghar was very thirsty. Husayn took his baby son to get some water.

'Ali Asghar, the young soldier, did not get any water. Instead he got an arrow in his neck.

Imam Husayn and Bibi Rubab dug a grave themselves and buried 'Ali Asghar.

Our poor Imam inflicted with so much suffering in just one day!

So many dead in one day!

Husayn is all alone, thirsty, tired and heartbroken. he stood in the centre of the camp and cried out:

Husayn Ibn 'Ali عWhere stories live. Discover now