Chapter 3:Reunited

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Annie's POV

I woke up to my hearing someone calling me from my balcony..i open my curtains and see Hayden waving i quickly go out of the balcony and greet him
Morning Hay..
He was holding a cup of coffee
Since when did you start drinking coffee?
Hayden smiles
Hayden:Are you gonna go to public school or??
I dont know my mom didnt say anything about that..
Hayden:I forgot!!
He goes inside to his messy room grabs a camera and starts vlogging
Hayden:Goodmorning people!! And here we have our morning guest who is Annie my best friend.
His best friend..huh?
I wave then smile
Didnt know you still vlog.
Hayden:Its a perfect routine and why would i ruin it?
Haha..i laugh
Anyway imma go get ready..see you later..?
Hayden:Sure he smiles
I go inside my room close the curtains and flop down my bed
He just called me his bestfriend again!! I missed our friendship!!! I got off the bed grabbed the camera and started vlogging
"Goodmorning everyone!! So i just woke up as you can see-
I heard someone say "Not really!" I went to my balcony with the camera and saw Hayden looking at me
Hayden:I'm back!!!!
I giggle
Hayden grabs the camera from my hand and starts talking while i try to have the camera back
Brennan's POV

I was in my balcony thinking about Annie when i heard laughing and giggling from the other side of the Leblanc's house i moved a little further to the right so i could see what was going on..and it was Hayden and Annie..i could tell Hayden has their camera and Annie's trying to have it back..i moved back to my left leaned my head on the wall sat down and sighed
I dont ever have a chance don't i? Their just gonna be like that forever how many years could i hear those giggling instead hear it in my house? I want her back..i really do...guess i just have to sit right here and cry..NO brennan!! You have to fight for Annie!!! He will not win instead you!! You have to win her heart back! She's your precious gold! And your just gonna sit their and cry?! No you need to stand up,be brave,be strong,fight for your love,and fight for your dreams.
I stood up went inside got ready for the day and i started working out.
Katie D's POV

I was so happy me and Annie's friendship was back! I really missed much i was like nothing without her..every posts im posting in my social media with my other friends are fake. I just needed to free myself from everything. Brennan and Liv broke up Liv started to rule over my mind Liv was different from the Liv we knew..We didnt know her real attitude she always wanted to win. She was alwayd competing with me. She thinks i dont notice it but i do...thanks to mom and dad we finally moved back here to LA!
"Katie!" My mom yells from downstairs
Yeah Mom?
Mom:Come on we gotta go!!
Oh yeah! Coming!!
Im still a gymnast but i do both..gymnastics and dance..i know its hard but i want to have both is kind of hard because the moves their are Daring..and im not being much exposed by my deciding if i should quit dance and just do's also hard cuz i have school..
We rode the car and mom Drove me and Willa to gymnastics..we drove to the left meaning we passed by Annie's house..while we were passing by i could see Hayden and Her playing..and i sigh
Willa:What's wrong sissy?
Nothing. I fake smile
Willa's really close to me since she was born..her and brennan doesnt even play that much..when mom told us we were gonna have a sister i wasnt that excited but little did i know i was gonna be a happy kid..Willa's a really sweey girl and im so happy im her sister..she always cares for me she always knows when somethings wrong...
Annie's POV

Hayden give it back.
Hayden gives the camera back to me and i turn it off..
"Annie come here!!" My mom yells from downstairs
Got to go!
I go downstairs and look for my mom and she's in the living room waiting for me
What is it?
Mom:Me and your dad have decided to go to Public school.
Mom:Annie you have to get socialized.
I am! I have friends everywhere!
Mom:Really? Its like you had many friends at Maryland.
I sighed
But mom!
Mom:No buts! Hayley is also going with you.
Could this day get any worse?
Mom:By the way we are going to visit Jayden in their apartment.
Mom:They are moving into a new house but it's not built yet so they're living their just for a few months.
Mom:Hayden and Brennan are also coming.
Ugh. Where's hayley? Need to talk to her.
Mom:In her bedroom ofcourse.
I went upstairs to her room and saw her doing her hair
Could this day get any worse? I say flopping down her bed
Hayley:Why? what's your problem again?
We're going to Public school second we're visiting Jayden with the two boys.
Hayley:Public school is fun! And atleast you get to see your old friend!
How can you always look in the bright side?
Hayley giggles.
Any plans for today?
Hayley:We are going to Jayden's though..
I need to do something!
Something more energized than that.
Hayley:Design our room?
Great idea!!
Our rooms aren't that designed yet it just have our bed and our luggages it has white it's basically so simple and we dont wanna be that simple.
So we got dressed i wore a blue adidas top shorts a cap and white adidas shoes. Hayley wore a pink aididas top ripped jeans and white adidas shoes.
We got downstairs and we saw our mom
Mom we gon' be out for a little we gonna find decoration for our room
Mom:Okay but be back before 2:00!
We borrowed our dad's car which was a Tesla..we drove to the hardware store and find some paint. Hayley bough a light blue paint and these materials
A glass with a qoutes saying Dream Big
Painted letter "H"
A little statue of a bunny
Small cabinets
•Small mirror
•Frames qoutes
And for me i bought grey paint blue and white string lights and these other materials
Qoutes in a frame
Bean bag
White furry circle carpet
Blue lamp
Dream catcher
A blanket that is a grey spiral
Painted letter "A" and "B"
Bulletin board
Fake flowers in a vase
Fairy lights
After that we loaded it into the car passed by Chick fil' A to eat lunch
Hayley:Crap it's 1:00! We gotta go home
You know what let's just eat in the car.
We piled up in the car and while i was driving i was also eating luckily no bits of food fell down and there was no traffic. We got inside our loaded out the things we bought and changed clothes i was wearing crossing-guard grey lace up then shorts

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