Dear Diary...

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      I really don't know what to say. I'm tired of living the same life over and over again. I'm tired of being in the same place day by day. I need a fix something I can do. Where I can run off to. Someplace where I feel safe. Where I feel loved. Where all my worries and fears go away. Somewhere that I can be myself. I can't find such a place. A place where I'm loved. That I won't be broken. That... I won't be sad. That I won't hurt. That my scar become harder to see. That I don't have to hide in the shadows. A place where death doesn't exist. A place where I can feel love. A place where...... I don't have to cover up the fact that I'm not okay. But this place lies on the depths of death. The place I need to find is heaven. But I can't get there by foot, nor car, nor plane, nor train. But only to die and in a matter of seconds, my life will no longer be there. Only my soul that floats up into the Abis. Helping my find that amazing spot. Where all my dreams will come true.     

                                                                        Your Truest Friend,


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