Paintballing (No Ship)

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''why are we here?'' Virgil thought as Thomas parked the car. He had been dreading this day for the past month: The day Thomas took them paintballing.

'Can I go home yet?' Virgil asked for the 4th time since they got in the car.

'No you cant,' Morality snapped, his patience running very thin. Sinking back into his jacket, Virgil turned up his music and got out the car with everyone else.

Once Thomas locked the car they had to walk up a narrow path to the check in area, while that happened a random worker handed the traits helmets and camouflage overalls.

'These do not go with my outfit,' Princey moaned but put them over his black jeans and white t-shirt.

'Get over it,' Anx spoke, he definitely wasn't in a good mood. Taking off his large jacket, Virg put on the overalls, much to the surprise of the others.

'You're going to join in?' Logan questioned as he buttoned up.

'Lo, I may not wanna be here but I'm not going to waste an opportunity to shoot Disney over there, without being shouted at,' the look on the dark traits face, though he didn't show it, terrified Roman.

'Right,' Thomas stepped in before the two traits started to hurt each other, 'we have 4 thousand paintballs between us, use them wisely.'

Grabbing their pods for the guns, they all filled them up, along with a side tube for later.

'..okay, you four,' one of the directors pointed to Thomas and the sides, 'one of you will have to go onto the other team as there aren't enough of them, don't worry though you guys will still be together though, just against each other.'

'I will,' Virgil volunteered and the director put black tape on his right arm whereas the others had white, all other than Logan who wasn't playing as he had other things to do, 'good luck.'

And with that Virgil walked over to his team, although Virg was anxious, he was determined to make use of this time in human form. Before he could introduce himself the person in charge began to explain the rules.

'No taking off your helmets once you go past this gate, no matter what, you cannot shoot someone within 1 meter of you, if you get shot in the head you will still play but if you get shot anywhere else you walk to the side lines with your arms in the air, this also goes for if you run out of paintballs. Any questions?' No one raised their hand so one by one each set of teams walked through the gates to grab their guns.

'You're going down Hot Topic,' Roman stated as he walked past Virgil.

'Never gonna happen Princey.'

'Stop fighting,' Patton snapped again, he had had enough of it, 'is all you two do is fight?'

'Pretty much,' Anx replied and followed his team to the first round.

Once he was there, both teams were told the aim of the game, 'this is Capture the Flag. Pretty simple each team will get a flag, you have to protect it while the rest of the team try and grab the others and get it back to base without being shot, you will have 20 seconds to run and hide then I will set off a horn then you start,' during this, Anx was looking at everything, he judged how far they had to run, where he could hide, how big the castles where. Being Anxiety really came in handy sometimes, 'go.'

Running towards the piece of metal he had been looking at, he hid behind it and waited. Almost milliseconds after the horn blew, Anx shot three people from the other team, one being Thomas, 'seriously Virgil?'

''Sorry Thomas,'' he thought and shot two more people, "5 out of 12." Running up to the next piece of metal, someone shot next to him but missed, 'shoot,' it was Patton.

Looking up towards the castles he saw Roman aiming at his chest, so he lifted his gun and shot him in the leg, along with the two people next to him.

After a further two minutes the rest of the White team were eliminated all because of Virgil, 'black team win!'

authors note: I may carry this on in the future but for now this is okay.

DISCLAIMER: this is based on my experience of paintballing so it may be different for each person.


take it easy guys, gals and non-binary pals


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