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Today we don't have much to do, Pax is done, but now we just have a few calabs and stuff like that to do. Me and Felix have a calab with Mark, Wade and Bob today. But first, I have a video idea!

"Hey Sammy!" She stops playing with her toys and looks up at me.

"Do you want to be in a video?" Felix and Marzia just look at me, surprised. I just turn my head and smile. I turn my attention back to Sam.

"YAY!" She jumps up and down. I pick her up and walk to the camera, I put her down and hit record.

"Top of the morning to you laddies! My name is Jacksepticeye, and yesterday I posted a video, where I told you the cold, hard, truth. And there was one thing that I didn't show you! Sam..." I pick Sam off of the floor and she immediately looks at the camera and smiles. She waves and I wave too. There it is. All 16 million of my subscribers know. I just need to post it. But I'm ready. She will be in vlogs, while I will still do normal gaming videos. This is it. "And, that's all I wanted to show you! If you liked it, PUNCH that like button in the face..." I pause and look down at Sam.

"Wike a boss!" And she try's to punch the screen. I can't help but laugh. "And -high fives all around- *Wapish!* and I'll see you dudes, IN THE NEXT VIDEO!" Then I click a button on the camrea, I don't bother to send it to Robin, it doesn't need editing. I just post it with the captain: ' 'My Daughter.' I make Sam some breakfast and I get a notification on my phone. It's from Mark. 

Hey Jack, are you guys ready for the calab?

Yeah, me and Felix are about to leave.



You can bring Sam if you like.

Really? Sam would love that! I pick up Sam and tell Felix and Marzia that she's coming too, they both just smile widely. We get in the car and I drive to Mark's place while Felix plays with Sam. I pull up to his house. We get out of the car and I hold Sams hand as she skips along. I knock on the door and Wade answers. Behind him I see Bob and Mark. 

"Hey guys! We were about to start the video without you!" Wade jokes around. We walk in and all of their eyes lock onto Sam.

"So this is the famous daughter!" Wade states.

"Yep, brand new from Ireland." They all introduce them selves trying to be as ridiculous as possible. Sam laughs so hard she's literally rolling on the floor laughing. There's more where that came from kiddo. We decided to do a try not to laugh challenge where we fill our mouths with water and try to make each other laugh. Me and Mark both got a tie, and we both lost, Felix got third, Bob was second place, and Wade surprisingly won! Who knew Wade was so heartless not to laugh? We say our good byes and head to the hotel. Tomorrow we're leaving to go back to Ireland. And Sam does not want to go. She loves it here. I thought that was the only reason but it wasn't...

"Daddy?" Sam says a little less excited then usual.

"Yes Sammy?" I ask her a little worried.

"Why does Papa hate you?" I just sit there, stunned, and so did Felix and Marzia. Marzia walks over to me to help answer the question.

"Sam, he doesn't hate your father, it's just when he..." Sam interrupts her.

"-drinks?" Wow. It pains me that she even knows this. A few tears fall from my eyes.

"Well, yes, he loves you both, but when he drinks, he, changes, into some one else..." Marzia goes on to try her best to explain it to Sam.

"Daddy?" By now I'm wiping tears from my face.

"Yes sweetheart?" 

"Can we stay here so you won't die?" W-what?

"I think you two should get some sleep, you got a long flight tomorrow!" And with that, Marzia leads Sam to her bed. And I go to mine.

—Jack's dream—

I have a black suit on, and I look around me to see floral everywhere. I look to the people sitting down, I see my my brother and sister. But I don't see my other brother or sister or even my own parents, I wonder why. But I do see Felix and Marzia, and Mark and Amy, along with Matthias and Amanda, I look to see the other side, I see people I don't really know, some family, some friends, then I look forward. There, I see my handsome soon to be Husband. As we say our vows, the question comes.

"Do you, Micheal, take Sean, to be your lawfully wedded husband?" 

"I do."

"And do you, Sean, take Micheal to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do."

"You may now kiss the husband!" We lean in and share a loving kiss. This is going to be the best years of my life! We can raise a family together! This is going to be amazing! I look down at my ring. My WEDDING ring! I can't believe it. This is the first day of the rest of our amazing life together. 


"Daddy!" I hear Sam yell. I jolted upright to see what was wrong. But I see Sam, perfectly fine.

"Why did you yell sweetheart? What's wrong?" I rub my eyes.

"Time to go!" Oh shit! I check the clock. 10 minuets?! We got to get ready fast! Felix and Marzia left at 3:00 A.M. and it's 6:00 A.M. right now. Time to head for the airport! I get all of Sam's toys and put them in her backpack. I grab both of our suitcases and we check out of the hotel. We both run for a cab. 

—Time skip to airport—

We run in and they take our bags, we have 2 minutes! I run to the gate. And we made it RIGHT in time to get on. Few. We are on a smaller plane this time, so it's just me and Sam and we sit by no one else. I read the safety packet. I located where the life vest, and the oxygen masks where. Say whatever you want. I'm a paranoid parent! Then, we're off.

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