Chapter 12-Zabuza...The Cow Man

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  ~Baby's P.O.V.~

  We continued our way down the path and to the Land of Waves. A little later, I started feeling a presence again, two in fact. A boy about my age, maybe a little older and a grown man. Both powerful, out of Genin league. I saw Naruto reach down to his weapon pouch and take out something.

  It was a Kunin knife. He slowly brought it up and threw it into a bush, which was the direction of the presence. The others were startled. Naruto got up from his crouched position. A smug look on his face. Tazuna and Sakura were shaking with anger, Sasuke and Kakashi looked indifferent.

  "It was just a mouse," said Naruto. Sakura pointed in his direction. "A mouse! Yeah right! Everyone can see through your stupid act! You're so obvious, it's embarrassing!" Sakura yelled clearly frustrated at Naruto's actions. "Naruto, those are Kunin knives. They're dangerous." Kakashi said.

  "Stop trying to scare me you srawny little drawf!" Tuzana erupted. Naruto completely ignored Tazuna. "Hey, is someone hiding over there?" Naruto looked into the woods. I sighed. "No! They're over there!" He said looking to his left. I looked to Kakashi to find him looking behind us. He seemed to sense the change of location in the presence too as I did.

  Naruto quickly turned around more Kunin knives at disposal. "Over there!" He said. He's sensing the presence. I smiled at his unknown victory. He threw them only to get bonked on the head by Sakura. "That's it Naruto!" She yelled. "Why did you do that!? Someone really is following us! I mean it!" He said angerly. He's right though. Sakura and Naruto continue to bicker as me and Kakashi walk off the bush Naruto last threw the knives at.

  I moved the bush only to find a white bunny looking petrified while leaning against a tree. Naruto noticed and quickly ran over. "Oh, I'm sorry little rabbit! I'm sorry!" He panicked. "All this fuss over a rodent," I heard Tuzana mumble. I glared at him. Rabbits were Vinney's favorite animal. I looked back at the rabbit that was currently in Naruto's hands.

  That's a snow rabbit. But the color...they only have white fur in the winter. When the days are shorter and there is less sunlight, I thought. Looking around, I continued to think. This rabbit was raised indoors away from the light on purpose. It was a replacement technique. After I realized this, I started to panic.

  I look around and spot a man sitting on a tree branch. He had a headband on, which meant he was a ninja, but it had a line through the symbol for the Village Hidden in the Mist. He was staring at Kakashi but soon noticed me looking at him. His eyes widened. His hand reached for his sword. Naruto had moved to stand next to me. I knew what was about to happen.

  He quickly jumped up, but I reacted just as fast. "Look out!" Kakashi yelled. I pushed Naruto to the ground but didn't go down with the rest of them. "Baby!" Naruto yelled. The dangerous sword was headed straight for me. The sharp edges of the blade aimed at my neck, an attempt to cut my head off. Like that would happen, I thought.

  I put my hands up and clasped the end of the sword. I was pushed back slightly from the force but stopped it when I applied more force to it. I got a better grip on it and spun around in circles. With the momentum, I tossed the blade and stuck it into a tree. The man fell from the leaves and landed on the swords handle. The team and the man stared wide-eyed at me. A smirk made its way on my face.

  The man had back hair that was spiked up with bandages around his nose, mouth, and neck. He had a scarf type thing around his neck as well. He wore light blue pants and arm and leg covers that had the pattern of a....cow? What? Who is this guy?

  Everyone stared in silence. Naruto looked Combat Ready (Reference...who gets it?) and so did Sasuke. "Well, well, if it isn't Zabuza Momochi. Rouge ninja from the Village Hidden In The Mist," Kakashi said. Naruto blasted forward to attack Zabuza but was stopped by me. I could feel his power, Naruto couldn't take him. "You're in the way, get back," Kakashi said. "But why?!" Naruto asked.

  "He's not like the other ninja. He's in a whole other league," Kakashi said as he reached for his headband the covered his left eye. Everyone looked in anticipation. "Kakashi of the Sharingan eye, did I get that right?" Zabuza said in a deep voice. Sasuke seemed surprised by this news. "It's too bad, but you'll have to hand over the old man," Zabuza said.

  Everyone on the team stated in confusion, except for Kakashi. He still had his hand on his headband that covered his left eye. "Now quick, Mongi formation. Protect the bridge builder and stay out of this fight. I taught you teamwork, now it's time to use it," Kakashi said as he lifted his headband. Everyone stared in anticipation for what Kakashi had been hiding.

  Now that Kakashi's headband was away, we could see better. He had a vertical scar running over his eye. When he opened it, his eye was red and is black pupil had three dot-type things around it. It was the Sharingan. "Well, looks like I get to see the Sharingan in action. This is an honor," Zabuza said as he turned around on his sword to face us.

  "Everyone keeps saying 'Sharingan' 'Sharingan'! Will someone please tell me what that is," Naruto said frustratedly. "Sharingan. A rare power. It resides in the eyes. The user of this visual Jutsu, or Dojutsu, can instantly see and comprehend any Genjutsu, Taijutsu, and  Ninjutsu and reflect the attack back on the attacker. The Sharingan is a special, rare form of Dojutsu. However, there's more to the Sharingan then that, a lot more," Sasuke explained.

  Everyone let that information sink in. Sasuke seems to know a lot about such a topic, but he is an Uchiha and Uchiha's are the clan that holds the Sharingan. I wonder how Kakashi got it. He is a Hatake, not an Uchiha. "You got it right boy, but you only scratched the surface. The Sharingan can analyze a person's technique and then copy it to the smallest detail," Zabuza explained. All of a sudden, mist started to fill the area we stood in. The moisture was seeping into my gears. I had to get out fast.

  I moved towards Naruto. "Naruto, I have to get out of this mist. It's messing with my gears. If I stay too long, I won't be able to function," I said in a low whisper. Naruto eyes flashed a look of concern, but he nodded anyway. I quickly jumped up and onto a branch of a tree that was outside the mist. "As for you Jounin, in the assassination unit of the hidden mist, we had a standing order to destroy you on sight. Your profile was in our bingo book. It called you 'The Man Who Copied Over A Thousand Jutsus- Kakashi, the copy ninja'," Zabuza said. After that, Kakashi and Zabuza had a little stare down.

  Everyone seemed a little surprised by this information, except me. I already knew this. "Wow! That's so cool!" Exclaimed Naruto. Sasuke seemed to be eyeing Kakashi with this look of...well... don't know. "Enough talking. I need to exterminate the old man, Now," Zabuza said. Tuzana seemed scared. Well if I could die and someone came to exterminate me, I probably would be scared to.

  Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura all quickly stood in front if Tuzana, protecting him. "Hey, where's Baby?" Sakura asked. They all looked around for me, but couldn't find me. Thinking that maybe I could sneak attack him, Zabuza lifted the mist a little so he could get a better visual.

  I giggled and it echoed throughout the mist. A chill ran down Zabuza's back at how sinister it sounded. Oh, I'm gonna have fun with this one. Time to kick some Cow Man butt.


Hey guys! I'm so happy with how this chapter turned out and I want to tell you....guess what I'm doing just for you guys?! I'm rewatching the whole Naruto series!! 220 episodes for Naruto and 300+ for Naruto Shippuden!! I'm gonna for before I finish all that. But I'm so happy with all of the love and support I'm getting for this book! Well anyways...


1465 Words!

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