Chapter 15- Inari The Broken

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(Don't play song yet! It's Important)

+Baby's P.O.V.+

It was mostly quiet the rest of the way to Tazuna's home. Other than Tuzana's complaining and Sakura's yelling, no one spoke a word. Naruto stayed close to me. It was comforting and able to distract me from the cautious glances the others were constantly sending me.

Eventually, we made it to a gate-like structure. "Ah, finally home," Tuzana sighed and rushed ahead of us. The rest of the team rushed ahead to catch up with him, leaving me on my own. Naruto and Sasuke carried an unconscious Kakashi while Sakura follows close behind.

Instead of heading to Tuzana's like the other, I made my way into the village. It was devastating to see. Adults were running fruit, vegetable, and meat stands full of rotting products and children were running around covered in dirt and grime while others begged for food.

My feet carried me further before a felt a small tug on my battle skirt. My cold emerald eyes drifted to see two small twins, a girl and boy. My eyes softened at their appearance. The little girl had knotted raven and sad navy blue eyes. Bruises, cuts, and dirt covered her body that was covered in torn rags.

Her twin brother had ruffled raven hair as well but dull amber eyes. Dirt covered his body with a couple of bruises. His clothes were in better shape than his sister's but still pretty messed up. I turned fully to them before crouching down their level. The bodies they used were small and frail like you could push them over and break every single bone in their tiny bodies.

The girl spoke first.

"Do you have any food or money, miss?"

It broke my metaphorical heart at how fragile and scared her small voice sounded. Her brother stood shyly next to her with uncertainty in his eyes. I couldn't help but smile at their braveness. They walked up to a complete stranger and were confident about it.

I tried to find something to give the two young kids. They were so young and didn't deserve to have such a hard life. I then remembered the two pouches of money Kakashi had given me before we left. He had given me the money for food and other things like clothes or weapons, but, in my opinion, I didn't need it.

So because I had no use for my money, I gave it the ones who did. Reaching into the small purse I brought with me, I pulled out the two small pouches full of coins and paper cash. The lights in their eyes that were turned off were suddenly brighter than anything I've ever seen.

They squealed at each other before tackling me in a hug. After repeating thank you over and over again, they released me and stared with smiles on their lips. Before they ran off, I spoke to them. "Now, I want you two to do something for me," I said and looked to them seriously.

The nodded at me, telling me to continue. "If you see anyone in need, give them some of that money," I said but they looked hesitant. I thought and then a light bulb went off in my head. "Do you remember how you felt when you got that money?" I asked and, in return, they nodded.

"Make everyone feel like that as you go," I said then stood up and walked away. Before they were too far away to see, I looked back and saw the two twins give some money from the girl's bag to a poor woman who was holding out a tin cup. Knowing they would do what I said, I continued on my way.


Soon I walked up to Tuzana's house and stepped into the door. A woman was standing in the kitchen cooking food and a small boy clung to her leg as he watched. When the women heard the door close, she swiftly turned around and the boy followed.

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