Brother (Cipher!Reader)

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Hola! This is the Sugar_Rock_! In this you and Bill are just humans. THIS IS NOT AN X READER!!! Sorry if thats what you were expecting,but thats not what you got. I don't do cest ships or couples.

"BILL!!!" Y/n screeched as she sprinted after her brother, Bill. You see, he had taken her phone, while she was texting a friend. Y/n, who was sixteen, lived with her twenty year old brother, Bill. Of course, he was immature, crazy, insane, childish, but Y/n could be those things too.

We got off track, Y/n jumped over the railing of the stairs and landed in front of her snickering brother. "Give. Me. The. Phone." Y/n said, with venom lacing her words.

Her brother just snickered more and dangled it over her outstretched hand. "I just wanted to see if my little sister was texting her boyfriend." He teased.

Y/n blushed but kept an enraged expression. "I was texting Mabel." Y/n lied. She was actually texting Dipper. They weren't dating but if Bill knew she was texting a boy, he'd tease her for gosh knows how long.

"Oh really?" Bill then looked at her phone and an evil smile creeped onto his face. "Mabel, huh?"

Y/n sighed with annoyance then shook her head. "you'll never let me live this down, will ya?"

"Nope!" Bill then started to type something. Y/n shot her head up then stepped towards her brother.

"Bill, what are you doing?" Y/n tried to see but he moved each time she was close enough.

"Oh, I'm just telling Mabel. That if they want to talk to you, to do it in front of me." Y/n growled. Bill usaully did this to her. He hated it when she hung out with Dipper, without him. Bill and Dipper never got along, so the fact that Y/n hung out with Dipper, alone, made Bill go into protective brother mode.

"Bill, i swear. I don't like him like that." Y/n growled while making her hands into fists.

Bill crossed his arms and stopped typing. "You can't lie to me, Y/n. I see the way you look at him. I'm not letting that dumb Pinetree date my sister." He then went back to texting.

Y/n had finally snapped. She then dove at her brother while yelling: Give IT!

They toppled over, with Y/n yanking at her phone. Bill snickered, he loved pain. After a few seconds of tumbling, Y/n was now standing up and pulling her phone out of her brother's hands. He stood his ground... on the ground. Y/n was now pulling with all her strength , Bill saw this and smirked to himself.

"Bill! I swear if you don't give me my phone, i will burn all your bowties!" Y/n hollered and tugged at her phone again.

Bill's uncovered eye widened. "Not my babies!" He yelled then let the phone go, causing Y/n to fall backwards. She ended up falling between a table and the wall.

Bill snickered as he stood up and strolled over to Y/n. "How's it goin'?" He asked.

Y/n growled and tried to get up. "Just peachy." Y/n tried again, but found that she was stuck. "Can i... have some help?" She asked while gesturing to her situation.

Bill tapped his chin for a minute then smiled with closed eyes. "Why don't you ask your precious Pinetree." He then turned around on his heels and walked into the kitchen, leaving Y/n to stay in the corner.

"Bill? Bill?! BILL!!!" Y/n could hear him chuckle in the kitchen. She didn't find this funny at all.

"Uh... Dipper?" Y/n asked while she waited for a response.

"Don't you dare!!!" Bill sprinted into the room, only to see his sister smirking.

"I'll do it. I'll call him right now." Y/n had Dipper's number readied at any time as she waved her phone around to tease her older brother. Bill growled as he got into a fighting stance.

"'Oh, Dipper. I seem to be in a situation. Could you come over and help me? We could go hang out afterwards?'" Y/n teased in an innocent voice while twirling her hair in her fingers.

Bill had had enough. He sighed and stood up straight. "Okay, you win. I'll help you," Y/n smiled in triumph. "if-" There was the catch, Y/n's smile dropped as she waited to hear his requests. "Whenever you hang out with Pinetree, you need to tell me where you're going, when you're going, and what you're doing."

Y/n let out an over exaggerated sigh and rolled her eyes. "Fine!" She barked while reaching an arm out. Bill loved deals, but always found the loopholes to benefit him.

He smirked and walked over to her outstretched hand and shook it. After the deal was sealed (Yep! I rhymed!) He pulled his sister onto her feet. Y/n brushed the dust off of her arms then glared at her brother.

"So, what were you texting to Pinetree about?" Bill asked while trying to look at her phone.

Y/n snapped out of her anger and began to laugh nervously as she hid her phone behind her back. She stepped back a few feet and avoided eye contact. "Well.. haha... a bout that."

Bill raised a brow and walked closer to her. "About what?" He sneered.

"Um... we were- um- going to.." She mumbled the rest.

Bill hummed, meaning for her to speak up. Y/n  stepped frther away and laughed again.

"Goonadate!" Y/n yelled quickly. She then raised her arms in defense and waited for the attack. But it never came. She opened one eye to see her brother just standing there, frozen in place. Y/n stood straight and waved a hand in front of him.

Bill then started to laugh insanely and he went into a laughing fit. "Uh... Bill?" Y/n asked nervously.

Bill stood up then wiped the tears from his eyes after laughing so hard. He then stopped laughing instantly and walked towards the door. He opened it.

"Um, where ya goin'?" Y/n asked while slowly walking over to him.

Bill turned to her and smiled. "To kill Pinetree."

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