Deal? {Human! Bill Cipher X Dream Demon! Reader}<Request>

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So, guess who got caught up in life? ME!!! But I'm gonna try and write more, so this is really fun I'm starting with this request!

Bill age: 18+

Reader: infinite..?



Life was so boring. Everything was the same- so mundane! The doctors made sure that Bill didn't have a play things, nor any friends to mess with. After his little incident Bill hasn't been allowed to leave his room without being confined and put in a mussel. Bill Cipher knows why he's in this asylum- he knows that all the fun he had was technical torture and illegal. But jeez! This routine is unbearable!

As Bill continued to stew in his anger, the morning bell rang- it was time to get ready. Now, you're probably thinking, 'Why doesn't Bill just rebel and not listen?' Well, he's tried that, and it only ended in him getting stuck in a room where all the walls were pillows.

"Cipher, get in you're chair." A stoic voice shouted. Doing as instructed, Bill made his way to the chair and sat down.

Smirking, Bill looked at the door, "Ah! Fordies, Fez! My two favorite doctors!" The twin males stepped into the room, Ford holding a clip board and Stanley holding a mussel.

Stanley rolled his eyes as he attached the mussel while the other brother tied Bill's hands to the chair. "Please, Bill, can you just not talk today." Ford sighed.

"No can do, Fordsie! Today feels special!" Bill grinned, Rolling his head to look at Ford while he rolled him into the cafeteria.

The large room was held white, concrete walls and gray tiled floors. Large, barred windows were on one wall- being to Bill's left. This room was filled with twitching, chattering, and hysteric people that- too- were tied to their chairs. Today was a Wednesday, which means that they were serving grilled cheese- Bill's favorite! This was the Gravity Falls Asylum, the largest in America- which means people from all over are shipped there.

Wheeling Bill to a table, Stanley untied the blonde's hands briefly to then clamp them into chains attached to the table itself. With Stan leaving to get Bill's food, Bill smiled at the guy in front of him. He knows this guy, his name is Jerry. Jerry has been here longer than Bill! Rumors say that Jerry attacked his mom and dad, sending them into critical care. During the entire case, Jerry claimed that his parents were possessed by the neighbor's cat.

"Hey Jerald," Bill chirped, drumming his fingers against the metal table. "How's the tiger in your room doin?"

Jerry- who had been mumbling to himself- looked up at the blonde with deranged eyes, "O-oh, M-Mike's doing fine. H-he says th-that w-wh-when I get o-out, I've g-gotta k-kill my p-parents..."

Bill nodded in understanding, laughing to himself, "You'll have to tell me how that goes for you." Leaning closer to Jerry, Bill looked around cautiously, "Did you bring the stuff?"

Smiling nervously, Jerry- who was lazily put into simple handcuffs, pulled out a plastic spoon from his pants. "Y-yea- you?"

Rolling his eyes, Bill swished his tongue around in his mouth before showing off a small clear button that he pulled off of the shirt of a guard he attacked last week. Jerry's green eyes lit up as Bill carefully spit the button onto the table for his companion to grab. Grabbing the spoon, Bill tossed the utensil into his lab, opened his legs, allowing it to fall between them, then closing his sweat pants covered legs.

Once in his hand, Jerry wiped off Bill's spit before plop it back into his mouth (Kinda gross...). Jerry sighed in relief, "Th-thanks, the d-doctors found t-th-the last one." With that, he was pulled off, and lucky for Bill, Stanley came back.

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