Ch. 1- Volunteering

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Chapter One- Volunteering

Belle Evans

"WELL, MISS EVANS," The lady's posh voice over the phone says and I hold my phone in between my ear and shoulder as I iron my clothes. I wait in anticipation as she takes in a sigh. "I've went through your files and I am impressed with your volunteering records. You have the job!"

 I squeaked in happiness, before I composed myself. "Okay, so when do I start?" I asked, biting my lip, but I stopped myself. That is a terrible habit, I will not pull myself into.

"You will begin as soon as possible, Miss Evans. Please be here around 3. Good day, Miss Evans." She hung up, before I could say anything. I sighed, before I finished ironing my clothes. I looked at the time, 2:30 pm. Great, 30 minutes alone. But, I'm used to being alone, that's why I volunteer, because I'm around people all the time and not sitting around on my butt all the time.

I put my clothes on, which consisted of black skinny jeans, and a pink, purple, and white plaid button down shirt. I slipped on my pink flats and grabbed my messanger bag. I checked the time 2:42 pm. I grabbed a bag of Doritos and started my way to the orphanage.

          *          *          *

When, I arrived at the orphanage it was 2:59. I opened the wooden door and walked in, seeing the very pretty decor and furniture. I walked in further seeing the front desk. I walked up and rang the bell.

A short, blonde lady came up to the desk, with a rediculously tight bun, blood red lipstick and a tight black suit with a pencil skirt. "Are you Belle Evans?"

"Yes and you?"

"Mrs. Davis, but you can call me Rosie."

"Okay, Mrs—Rosie," I stammer, fumbling with my messenger bag. "So, what do you want me to do?"

"Well, you would watch the children and entertain them. But, you would also be the cook for today and Thursday." Rosie explained and I nodded. Couldn't be that hard, right? "Shall we go meet the children?"

We walked outside where the kids were all playing around, except for one who was coloring something on the ground with a piece of chalk. We walked closer and I see the little boy.

"Ah, Miss Evans, this is Zayn," Rosie says gesturing towards the little one. His brown eyes look up at us and he looks back down. "He's sort of shy. Say 'Hello' to Belle,Zayn."

"Hewwo Bewwe," He says shyly, looking down. I squat down in front of him.

"Hello Zayn," I smile at him and he reaches out and pokes my dimple, before retreating his hand. I chuckle at him and he blushes. I stand up and then I feel a tug on my bag. I look back to see Zayn standing or at least attempting to.

"Bewwe? Up." And with those words I aw'd and picked him up.

          *          *         *

With Zayn attached to my hip, I checked the time, 7:25 pm. Wow, my volunteering shift ended 25 minutes ago! I frowned at the time. I don't want to leave. I don't want to leave Zayn. He doesn't deserve to be here!

"Zayn," I say, my voice cracking a bit. He looks at me and smiles. I smile, but it's forced. "I have to go home, bud." 

"I go too?" He asks with an adorable expression on his face and I nearly cry, but I get an idea.

"Yes, yes you do."

          ***          ***          ***

hi! so this is my story! i'm thinking of making it into a series! yes, i'm serious. maybe, maybe not.

dedicated to narryscloset, just because.

btw, her name is pronounced like bella, but is spelled b-e-l-l-e.


My Little Sunshine (Adopting Zayn Fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang