Just thinking i guess.

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I was just thinking about putting a whole bunch of stuff in here because it was supposed to be a place where I ranted about random shit but I never got around to using it as that..

I have lots of notes that I blab on and on about random stuff in that's not public.

It's all stupid and pointless but that's what this is supposed to be I guess.

Also all of them were written really late and when it's late I get more.. in my head? I guess?
It's easier to express myself with typing so yeah...

I might not end up posting any of it on here (like anyone cares) because it's pretty personal and also pointless so I'm still thinking about it.

I figured I'd put this out there wile I decided..

(ps.. if I did put them here they'd mostly be old and from a while ago until.. well I'd put dates so until the one that's most recent I guess)

So it'll have stuff about my gender and other stuff...

yeah alright bye

(Happy October)

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