The Four Elements

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In many magical workings, you will find that the four elements, those being Air, Fire, Earth, And water, are used quite often...

But what exactly are these soppoused "Elements"?
The Elements aren't just simply what we know each of there names to be, the elements are more like a mysterious force a power that represent specific characteristics, and aspects of all things in existence.
Each element specializes over a set domain of these characteristics, for example...Fire has domain over all things passionate, ethusiastic, and creative, and is also destructive if tampered without care.
Water controls all things emotional, and sincere, but is also known to not have a good solid composure.
All of these aspects, as you should know, are all represented within each human being...Thus with proper training, it's possible for each human to be able to control these elements, and to use their powers to influence the world around us.

Not everybody is the same though, each person are more strongly represented by one element than others. This can be told to you by your birth sign, or your Zodiac sign
(More on that later). This imbalance of elemental power can be both good and bad. Whereas fire is perfect for those who wish to push themselves, to achieve success, and to help yourself become physically imposing. It can also lead to arrogance, and selfishness and most severe of all destruction...
This is where water comes in.
Water, being pretty much the polar opposite of fire, can be a great diffuser for when things get a bit too hot per say, so what do you do when you've noticed that the negative aspects of the fire element are influencing you too much?

You call apon the Oodines of course!

Whats an Oodine???
An Oodine is the spiritual representation of the water element, also they are known as elementals.
These elementals are the hidden powerful beings behind the traits that each element has, they are the reason why the imbalance had happened, but it wasn't their fault, it was either the person who's been affected, or perhaps someone who has cursed you with their elemental powers (although very unlikely).
Altogether there are four Elementals.


Okay so now I know about the Elementals...I guess, so how exactly can I have them help me with my emotional balancing issue?
Well now what you would do in this situation would be to request the help of the corresponding Elemental.
You do this in any way that suits you, whether you would like to perform a special dance to bring them to you, or the more traditional way, by setting up an altar and Invoking.
It's completely up to you to decide how to approach the Elementals, but a few things remain constant between all methods...
1.Be humble
2.Be respectful
3.and be sure to leave an offering.
(Information on what offerings should be given to each Elemental will be provided on their respective element description later on).

Next I will give you my own tried and true method of summoning the Elementals...but enough stress cannot be given about the importance of respecting these beings, they are not to be provoked in anyway, doing so may be catastrophic, such as being burned after disrespecting the Salamanders, I am not liable for any damage caused by any bit of information given to you in these guides.
You've been warned!

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