Part 1: Alone For A While

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Treat's POV:

It's finally time. I'm going to tell Mochi how I truly feel about her now. Ever since that incident with Juju, Salt and Pepper, we've been living together. I found out about what happened to the only fox still around, Moxie. After her "Foxy Den" got affected by her money issues, she's living in a tent in the woods after Salt, Pepper and Chai abandoned her overnight over a week ago. I feel really bad for her... She's been struggling with hunger and hydration ever since. I've offered for her to live with me and Mochi, but she's always denied it for the same reason, saying that the cabin me and Mochi are in isn't officially mine. Although that's true, I have a job so if the owner comes back I can pay them back for barging in at a time of need. That, and to buy food for all of us whenever we see each other in the same area, which is unlikely since Moxie barely leaves her tent now. 'That fox... She sure is something.' Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. It can't be Moxie, can it? She never brings herself to knock on the door... Unless it's urgent. I slowly open the door to see a letter on the floor. It said Mochi's name on the front. My hands started shaking as i slowly opened the envelope the letter was in. It was from Mochi. But why would she send me a letter? Unless she decided to go back home without telling me... I guess I know how Moxie feels now... But why does it seem so sudden? I read over it, my eyes watering slightly. It said:

"Dear Treat, 

I wish that I could explain to you how much you mean to me.  The friendship we have is the kind that only comes along once in a lifetime. The kind where we can know what the other thinks and feels without saying a word. You mean everything to me- there really isn't another way to put it. I wish you nothing but the best in your new life. It breaks my heart knowing that I won't see you every day. I genuinely hope that you find all the happiness you deserve. Your friendship means more to me than anything else ever has, and I would be completely lost without it. I would like to think that I'm irreplaceable to you, and that there isn't another person who could take my place in your life. But I've never thought that highly of myself. Please don't forget me. Please remember me when you can. I'll always be there for you. No matter what happens.

Thank you for everything,

Your friendly bunny, Mochi"

I broke down into tears. This was just a dream, right? This can't be real! I looked into the wardrobe we have, hoping to see her clothes, but nothing was there. I looked in the drawers to find any hints of her 'joke' departure. Nothing at all. All i wanted right now was comfort. If only Moxie was here... That's right! Moxie! She'll know how to cheer me up... I grabbed all my stuff, plus some extra food and water for her just in case and i headed out into the cool, spring weather to tell her everything. She'll never turn me down. I just know it.

(560 WORDS FOR PART 1, GEEZ! Well, it's finally here! Like i promised! And i told you there would be feels in this story, but i never expected it to be in part 1! Anyway, all characters belong to NomnomNami. Go play the games if you haven't! They're all worth the wait. Part 2 will be out tomorrow! ^-^)

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