Chapter 7: Another Prank?

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Cara Maxwell


I woke up tied up, did the guys seriously have to play another prank on me? The first time it's funny, but not the second. Luckily, there was no duck tape covering my mouth. "Hello?" I question out as I struggle to get free from the tight rope, did they seriously have to go this far? "Come on, the first time it was funny. But now it's just plain annoying." I complain, yelling out. It was to dark to see and the ground was hard. Like concrete, but it wasn't, it was also cold.


"Please, come on guys. I'm cold." I grumble, getting a bit pissed. It wasn't even April fools day anymore and this time they have gone to far, seriously tying me to the basement. Why not somewhere else? I sigh and struggle to get up, why not just leave me in another room and lock the door? "Guys, no more playing. I'm cold and hungry." I yell, "Jason, Alex. Someone." I'm not getting out of this soon, so might as well give in. I lean my head against the wall. I hear the door open and slam shut, finally. 


"Look who we have here, The famous Emma. I've heard so much about you." I heard a deep, unfamiliar voice said. I rolled my eyes, again with the Emma shit? I heard people laugh in the back, I knew it was a joke.


 "I'm not Emma, like I said many times. And you've gone to far, please. Just untie me, I'm cold and hungry."


 "Nice try babe, but unfortunately, it doesn't work on me, Emma," the dude said, emphasizing on 'Emma'. I could sense he was smirking at me. 


I groaned. "For god's sake, I'm telling the truth. I told you more than a thousand times, but I'm going to tell you once again; I'm not Emma, asshole!" I snapped angrily. This bastard was getting on my nerves.


Suddenly, I felt someone grabbed my face harshly. I couldn't tell who the person was since it's so dark here, but I could tell he wasn't Jason or any of his friends. "Watch your mouth bitch or I will make your life suffer more!" he spat then let my face go. 


I wanted to roll my eyes at this fake threat, but I held it back. I didn't want to deal with this asshole right now. "Whatever," I muttered before asked, "Can you do me a favor to tell Jason that I give up on his stupid game and let me go?!" 


"Wait, you thought Jason is behind this whole thing?" he asked, amusement filling his voice. Wait, what? 


"Yeah?" I questioned. Now, I'm confused


 "Oh, this is going to be good," he mumbled to himself. "Boys!" he hollowed. Within a minute, I heard footsteps coming toward this way. "Take this girl to the room I prepared a few days ago," he ordered. 


"Don't touch me!" I yelled as I slapped whoever that person's hand away. Unfortunately, a girl versus a few guys weren't fair enough; the guys obviously won. As soon as we stepped out from the dark, cold basement, the lightness started burning my eyes. I had to close my eyes for a few minutes before re-opened them. 


By the time I opened my eyes, one of the boys had let me go and pushed me into the room. He didn't push me harshly nor gently, but it still managed to make me felt on the floor. When I was about to get up and burst out from this room, the guy who pushed me earlier quickly closed the door and locked the door. 


Jerk, I cursed at him inside my head as I glared at the door. 


Since I knew I wouldn't be able to get out anytime soon, I decided to look around the room I was going to stay for a while. The main colour of this room was white. The wall was painted in white patterned wallpaper. Black and white furniture were filling this room. This room had pretty much everything except electronics; no TV, telephone, nor radio. Believe me, I'm going to die of boredom.


Looking around the room, I tried to find an escape. I saw a window beside the bed, but unfortunately it's protected by steel bars. I tried to remove it, but I wasn't strong enough. I groaned as I walked toward the bed and laid down.


As I thought about the situation I was in, it's quite funny. I was being kidnapped then kidnapped again before I had a chance to run away. The second time I was being kidnapped I actually thought I was being pranked. But as I examined, every time I got kidnapped, my kidnappers always called me Emma. It made me curious about this Emma chick. Who is sheWhy does everyone seem to call me her nameIs she well-known or something? Question after question about her kept popping in my head. I really needed to find out or I'd go insane. 


Thinking about unanswered question started hurting my head. Since the bed was pretty soft and comfy, I decided to take a nap. Maybe after I woke up, my mind would start thinking a perfect breakout. 

* * * 


"Wake up! Wake up!" I heard someone said loudly as he shook my body. I slapped whoever's hand away and continued to sleep. I heard him groaned before shook me once again. "Wake up! Boss needs to see you," he told me. 


I sleepily got up and shot him the dirtiest glare. "Tell him to wait," I ordered before got back to sleep. 


The guy sighed. "At least I gave her a warning," he mumbled before I felt cold water felt on top of me. 


"What the hell–o," I screamed loudly. "Why did you do this?!" I scowled. 


"You didn't listen to me and wake up, so I had no choice but did that," he defended himself. 


 I took a deep breath and let it out. "Fine. Anyway, do you have a t-shirt that I could at least wear? I don't want to meet your creepy 'boss' like this," I said as I quoted the word boss. 


 "Fine, I'll grab a t-shirt for you then we'll meet him, okay?" he asked as I nodded. 


It didn't go as I planned...


Yay! I update twice a week again (hopefully) 
And I wanna give a very special thanks to your white ass for helping me to write this chapter or it would take me forever to update (: xx
Anyway, like usual, please comment what you think and feedback please. 
Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoy it xx

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