Prelude - The Gate to Infinity

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To whom ever finds this notebook next,

Have you ever thought that there might be another world out there? Another dimension with wildly different creatures and landscapes? Maybe you've once wished to leave Earth forever and start again somewhere else. Maybe you look up at the sky at night and wonder if you are really alone in this big universe of ours. Regardless, I write this now to tell you that there are other worlds out there, and they are more incredible than your imaginations will ever let you visualize.

How do I know this, you ask? Because I've found a way to reach them all.

That way is called The Gate to Infinity. It's a literal slice in the fabric of the universe that acts as a bridge to another world. Step inside and you will be instantly sent to one of the infinite worlds that exists out in the far reaches of the universe. With it I have travelled through alternate dimensions, along parallel timelines, to distant superclusters, and across severed fabrics of spacetime. With it I don't age, and with it I am infinite.

And before you ask, no, I don't have any clue how it works. It could be powered by a ancient deity in a distant galaxy for all I know. I do, however, know its purpose. The Gate acts a second chance of sort for the lost. A chance to start over on another planet and live another life. I'll admit that I was lost when it opened up to me, but I don't use it as it was intended. I never settle down and live a second life on these other worlds. I'll stay a couple years or so whenever I land on an interesting one, but then it's back through The Gate. Forever onward to another world, another life, and, most importantly, another incredible story.

Give me a second as I bold that last part. Another incredible story. That's why the Gate opened up to me right there. You see, I was never truly content with my own world. The stories of the people there were interesting for a while, but soon everything became bland and monotonous. I needed a way to escape my reality and experience the rest of the tales the universe had to offer. This is why The Gate opened for me, and this is why I always go back through The Gate to visit yet another world.

I'm not here just to brag about my endless vacation though. I am leaving this notebook here for your kind to read. It contains all of the adventures from my travels through The Gate. Not from my point of view, mind you, but from the people that inhabit these marvelous worlds. Tragedies, triumphs, glory, disaster, innovation, folly, genius, irony... they're all in there. My hope is that whoever reads this will be able to share in the gratification I've felt over the millennia.

I leave for the Gate again tomorrow morning. This note will be my last testament on Planet Earth. If you ever find the Gate to Infinity yourself, and you choose to join me on my endless crusade, I hope we meet up one day. But until that day, I will live on forever to tell the stories of my adventures in each world, until I finally reach Infinity's End.


A Wandering Soul

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