Not friends.

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Namjoon's POV
"Aren't the 7 of them like... enemies or something?" "Did he leave Jaebum for them?" "What the hell?" Is all I heard in the hallways on my way to chemistry. I'm not looking forward to chemistry, usually I do because I'm lab partners with my best friend Jaebum. But after I saw his face earlier, I don't want to face him. He probably hates me anyways. I walk into my class and sit in my seat, to keep me from hearing anything I put headphones to my ears and play 'I need someone' by a band called DAY6.

I take out my books and keep my eyes glued to my phone so I can't hear or see anyone looking at or thinking about me. Soon I felt a tap at my shoulder and looked up to see Jaebum looking at me. His mouth moved but I didn't hear anything, right.... the music. I took out one of the headphones so I could hear him. "Did you already get tired of me?" He asked, I sighed taking out the other headphone and looked at him. "No. They thought they could sit with me because we all had detention Saturday..." I made an excuse.

"Fucking idiots. I thought you left me." He said and smiled at me like he always does. "I'd never leave you, fucker" I said and then the teacher walked into the class and begun the lesson. When the class was half over she gave us the rest of the period to finish an experiment. As me and JaeBum we working, I suddenly heard a voice That sounded a lot like Jungkook. "Does he really think he can still be his friend" I turned around and saw Jungkook staring at me with a look that said "really?" I turned back around and finished my part of the experiment.

When the bell rang everyone hurried out of their seats, ready to go home from school. JaeBum was waiting for me but when I got up to leave I felt someone crap my arm. I looked up to see Jungkook. "What do you want? Can't you leave me alone?" I said trying to get him to let go of me. "Sorry. But I have to talk to you." He looked at JaeBum who was watching "alone." He finished. JaeBum then walked over to us "what's up with you Jeon? Go home" He said. I saw the look in Jungkook's eyes change and saw anger in his eyes. This isn't good.

"Make him leave" I read Jungkook's thoughts and was alarmed immediately. "Jae, just give us a few minutes okay? Wait for me outside of the class?" I asked hoping he'd listen. And JaeBum being my best friend of course listened. He walked out of the class and left me and Jungkook alone. "What?" I asked now getting impatient. "Do you really think it's wise to stick with your old friends? We should be with each other in this class. You need your new friends" He said simply. I laughed then pushed him away, "you guys aren't my friends." I said then walked out and to my car with JaeBum. "What did Jeon want? Doesn't he hate us?" JaeBum started with the questions as soon as I started driving. "He wanted... help in our math. I declined." I said lying to my best friend again. "He really is an idiot." JaeBum said with a laugh, making me laugh too.

Yoongi's POV
"Why did you want us to meet here? And why isn't Namjoon here then?" I asked Jungkook, for some fucking reason he wanted all of us to meet at the soccer field after school again. "Well this is ABOUT Namjoon Hyung okay?" He said making all of us look at each other. "What about Namjoon?" Hoseok asked simply wanting to get to the point. "Well.... he's still.... hanging with his old friends." Jungkook said with a small voice. "What about that?" Taehyung asked after a moment of silence.

"I know. He's gonna blow our cover. What if his friend finds out and reports him or something. We'd be next and BOOM! Science experiments." Jin said actually defending Jungkook. Well I guess they do have a point. We shouldn't risk anything... it's wise to stick together. "He's right. Shouldn't we stay you know.... with each other?" Jimin said as if he had Namjoon's powers and read my mind. I sighed "sadly you're all right. We have to unfortunately stick together until we get rid of these damn... powers..." I said and they all agreed.

"So what do we do about Namjoon then?" Jin asked. We all stayed silent. I looked up and saw everyone looking at me like I was some sort of answer machine. "WHY ARE YOU ALL LOOKING AT ME?!" I yelled making them jump and look away. "You seem to be the smartest besides Namjoon I guess?" Jimin said in a questioning tone. I sighed again and looked at them "we have to get him to stay with us somehow. Don't hurt him. We'll talk more tomorrow morning." I said and got up to leave. "What did you mean by unfortunately?" Jhope suddenly Sadie making me stop in my tracks. I turned around and looked at them, "it's unfortunate we have to stick together. Did you think we're friends now?" I said before walking away again.

As I was walking I heard the others "what if I wanted to be?" Taehyung said "who'd want to be friends with you losers anyways?" Jin said. "Whatever, I have swim practice." Jimin said "I didn't need you guys anyways. I just want these things gone" jungkook said. I could t help but feel a little bad, they honestly didn't seem that bad. But I can't risk getting close to people I do t really know. Who knows what they're really like, I don't need to be hurt again. That's why I transferred schools.

Jungkook's POV
After everyone left, I was alone in the soccer field. "What if we were meant to be friends?" I said to myself. I put on a tough act but really... I kinda so want to be their friend. I want us to be friends. I can't let us fall apart. Maybe this happened to us for a reason. I got out my phone and texted Taehyung, 'still want to be friends?' I sent. I started walking home when I felt my phone buzz 'yeah if you want to' it was Taehyung. I smiled at my phone, 'I want to' I simply sent before continuing my walk home. Maybe we can be friends. It'll take some time but I think all 7 of us will stay together. Hopefully.

Thank you for being patient with me and for still reading my story! I love y'all ❤️👌🏼

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