Where are we?

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Namjoon's POV
White. That's all I see. The last thing I remember was seeing Jungkook being dragged away from me. Where is Jungkook? Where are the others? What is that beeping I hear? I can't move my body, something is holding me down. I start to panic. I start to thrash around and try to break free or at least get Loose from whatever is keeping me down. I need to find the others. I need them. They need me. I made them a promise. I need to make sure they are okay. I need help! Why if they need help?! I need to get out of here.

"Woah there calm down. You're okay." I heard a woman's voice say. I turned my head and saw a women, not old but not very young either. "Where am I? Who are you? Get away!" I said still trying to get loose. "Now now. You need to calm down. Don't you want to see your friends?" She said and I stopped to look at her. "Where are they I want to see them!" I yelled and she smiled at me. "They are in our subject cells. Don't worry they are not harmed... too much. And they are all in the same cell. If you cooperate you can join them soon." She said and grabbed a needle from the table next to her. "What did you do to them?" I asked. "Nothing. You are... the first subject. Well of the new group of course. Now sit still and let me do this." She said

"Get away from me. Get away!" I said but I still couldn't move. She injected me with something. It was cold. And made my veins glow blue for a second. "It's like a tracking device. We need to inject you every month. So we don't lose you." She said. "Let me Go! Please I didn't do anything neither did my friends!" I said but she laughed. "Oh but I can't. You are special. We need to find out how you and your little friends are able to do what you do." She said. I can't let her do this. "Who are you? And why?" I said "well since you will be here a while... I'm Irene. Nice to meet you Namjoon. Or should I say subject 1101." She said and smiled before leaving the room.

Soon after she left, three men came in and got me loose. They started to drag me to god knows where. I tried to fight back but when I tried to use my powers my head felt like it would explode. "Don't bother. You were injected with a blocker that prevents you from using tricks before you awoke." One of the... guards? Said. I heard the sound of a door unlocking and I was thrown to the ground. Followed by the sound of a door closing again. I was dizzy. And suddenly I felt hands on me. "Hyung are you okay?" I heard familiar voices talking. I opened my eyes again to see Jimin in my face. "Jimin?" I whispered and heard sighs.

"We though they'd kill you! Are you okay? What did they do? Are you feeling normal? How about your powers?" Jimin asked all at once and I laughed a little. I looked up past Jimin after sitting up to see the rest of the guys looking at me with concern as well. "They Injected me with something I can't use my powers." I said and they all nodded. "Same here I guess. We can't even try to use them." Yoongi said and everyone else agreed. I looked to Taehyung who had Jungkook's head in his lap. Jungkook was sleeping. "He was so worried he passed out from crying." Jin said looking at Jungkook. "They had me strapped to this table. They injected me with something... she said it was a tracker so they know where we are" I said and Hoseok groaned.

"Fucking great. We're never getting out then." He said and coughed. He didn't look so good. "How long has it been?" I said and Jimin held my hand. "You were out for 3 days. Jungkook for 2 and the rest of us just a few hours." He said. "Hoseok. You need sun" I said and he smiled sadly. "Yeah. But they won't let us out. I get weaker with more time." He said. "We need to get out before they come for the rest of you" I said and they all immediately disagreed. "No. If one goes we all do. That's a promise. We won't leave without you." Taehyung said. "We also can't leave Hoseok in here much longer. We don't know what will happen if he goes longer with no sun." I said. "We're no leaving you!" Jimin said in a harsh tone and that's when I saw the scared look In his eyes.

"Well we need to do something. If we don't" Yoongi started but was cut off by Hoseok screaming and falling to the floor. "Hoseok!? Are you okay what's happening?" Tae asked but only got "it hurts" as an answer. Hoseok started to curl up in a ball on the floor holding his head. Suddenly Yoongi also went down. "What is this!?" He screamed and also started holding his head. Jungkook and Tae were holding them trying to calm them but nothing worked. "HEY SOMEONE HELP! PLEASE!" Jin started yelling and soon a guard came into the room with the Irene bitch. "Well what do we have here?" The bitch asked sounding interested. "Get them outside." Jimin said and Irene simply nodded to the guards. The guards started dragging Hoseok and Yoongi out but before they left I spoke. "I go with them." I said.

Irene looked at me suspiciously, "I don't trust you with them." I said and she rolled her eyes. "Fine. Just you." She said and I followed her and the gourds to where they were taking Hoseok and Yoongi. Outside. Once we were outside and in the sun Hoseok stopped screaming and looked directly into the sun. Good he's getting sun. Once Hoseok stopped screaming, Yoongi did too looking relieved. After about 15 minuted of being outside they took us back into the cell room. Only After Irene wrote something down. When we got to the room Irene looked down at her paper. "Park Jimin. Your turn. Subject two." She said and I wrapped my arm around him. "No." I said. "We are just doing what we did to you. Well it'll hurt him since he's awake but... same thing." Irene said.

"You're not gonna touch him." I said and pushed him behind me. "Looks like we'll have to start the experiments early. Take subject two and do the normal first procedures. And Take subject one, perform the suction procedure." She said. "No don't hurt them" Jungkook tried to reason but no one listened. All I remember next, hearing Jimin scream, my friends being pushed down, and me blacking out.

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