Beijing, China

25 2 5

It has been two days since they agreed to step up for the environment (Plants and animals alike)

China tensed as they entered one of his local zoos. The advertisement for the place made it seem so animal friendly. Posters of pandas with babies, of Bengal tigers seemingly happy with their lives...

Hongkong visibly flinched once they saw the state of the animals. There were grizzly bears that looked more like sloths and wolves that looked so very weary, and afraid...

"A petting zoo for the baby animals?" South Korea asked, eying a poster. "Is this to socialize the animals with people at a young age?"

North Korea seemed to be glaring at the posters with vengeance. "I've read and heard of places where young animals are socialized just so they are easier to skin once they're older..."

"What?!" China exclaimed as they passed the souvenir shop. "This is a zoo. They're supposed to care for the animals, not put their parts up for sale, aru!"

People were walking by, whispering and murmuring to each other as the eldest nation vented. There were those who mocked the countries, pointing at the items and loudly debating whether to buy the items on sale or not.

They collectively tensed and hurriedly scampered away when both North and South Korea sent them all deadly, demonic looks.


"This is illegal now!" Hongkong shouted as they walked the streets. They had left the zoo hours ago, and it was late now. Probably close to midnight.

"That snake... They're skinning it alive...! The poor thing...!" Philippines whispered, unable to watch as the salesman peeled off the skin of the creature without so much as paralyzing it...

"I wonder how they'd feel if we did that to them? Would they enjoy it as much as they do, now?" North Korea asked no one on particular, but China gave him a look that said not to try anything.

"Rabbits?! They skin rabbits alive?!" Indonesia could only do so much to keep Philippines from attracted for too much attention for comfort.

The young woman was very much ready to get into a verbal and physical fight, had he not decided to keep her in a firm hold.

"Careful, now. We don't want to get kicked out with nothing to show for it."


It was now three in the morning and the street shops were closing rather swiftly.

"Pfft. They know this is wrong... yet they continue to trade all these endangered species...?"

They all felt revolted by the very idea of it, but China was right. Even though his and Hongkong's higher ups had banned this very trade, it is still happening...

"At least they're no longer cutting off shark's fins and then leaving the poor things to drown..."

China and Hongkong both cringed.

"Just about every endangered spices is on sale in the illegal trade..." China said with a sigh as they walked back to his place.

North Korea could only pull him closer and hug him tighter as they walked.


Special note:

I am aware that not all zoos are like the one I mentioned, but there are those that do abuse their animals. So, please do a thorough background check before paying any zoo, whether local or anroad.

The last part was written based on the documentary: Racing Extinction. As well as a lot of articles and posts on facebook, so...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2017 ⏰

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