Chapter 7: Masquerade Suckers

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Saturday, October fifth approached with haste, and the whole town was talking. Not because of the Jerry Spinster's mysterious heart attack he had to be hospitalized for, but of the annual Harvest Festival.

"A little eyeliner never hurt anyone, now hold still," Kat took her charcoal liner under Lucy's crooked eyes.

"Um, Kat?" She said, looking up. "It feels like you're stabbing me in the eye with a pen," she muttered quietly.

"Honestly, what's the difference?" Kat smudged it with her thumbs and stepped back to look at her work. She smiled and turned Lucy around in her stool so she could see herself in the mirror.

"You know I used to really hate makeup," Kat said. "But then I realized it's kinda a chick's best friend; a little bit can go a long way."

Lucy touched her face and turned to see every angle, but didn't say anything.

"You okay?" Kat asked.

"I..." Lucy whispered. "I like it." She smiled softly. "I never really go the chance to go to a high school dance before. Not with homeschooling and how crazy everything was getting..."

Kat knelt down to meet Lucy's reflection. "When are you going to tell me your mysterious and trying backstory?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Soon. And honestly? Sometimes it feels like it's straight out of a horror movie or something."

"Hey," Kat said reassuringly. "I moved to ten different states with my crazy dad, who's a therapist to the dead, and now we're living in a hundred-year-old mansion being haunted by four crazy ghosts," she raised both eyebrows. "People can surprise you. You can trust me, okay?"

Lucy smiled. "Okay."

"Good. Got your mask?"

Nodding, Lucy picked up a silver Colombia mask beside Kat's old jewelry box. Kat took a crescent moon shaped emerald one. They placed them on their faces and giggled at their reflections.

"This is really weird...but in a good way." Lucy stood up and smoothed her dress.

"Ready?" Kat asked, turning the knob to her door.


Lucy and Kat met Casper out in the hallway. He was draped in a long black cloth with his mask sewn onto the front.

"Very dashing," Kat chuckled.

"Why thank you, m'lady," he said, taking a bow. They descended down into the main hallway where James was waiting for the three of them with his large camera.
"My goodness, is this what the kids are wearing now a days?" He chuckled.

"Dad," Kat sighed, a little annoyed. "It's a masquerade party." She eyed the camera and began inching towards the door.

"Well get together the three of you, let me get a good picture." He held the camera upside down and snapped a quick photo.

"Um, Dr. Harvey?"

He eagerly pulled out the photo as it printed and frowned with the outcome.

"The camera's upside down," Lucy said, pointing shyly.

James smiled sheepishly and nodded.

"See, that would explain...the—and—okay, okay get going."

"Bye, Dad," Kat kissed James on the cheek and Casper shook his hand.

"Well, well, well if it isn't Twiddle Dee, Twiddle Dum and Twiddle Dummer!" Stretch, Stinkie and Fatso entered the room laughing.

Lucy suddenly felt vulnerable, and the burning feeling in the pit of her stomach came back when she glanced Stinkie's way. Funny thing, she could've sworn he'd been looking at her before she met his glance.

Book 1: A Ghostly Tale: SpellboundWhere stories live. Discover now