Part 10

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Lucy hovered near the door way, clutching the teddy bear in her clammy hands. She felt her shoulders drop and her eyebrows relax after watching Stinkie exit the room.

"Geez, what was that about?" Casper asked. He looked to Kat with wide eyes.

"Beats me. This doesn't seem like his usual, unpleasant funk," Kat said, crossing her arms. "Eh, what do I care." She picked up a box with two dusty handles. Casper looked uneasily at Lucy, who looked towards the door, and back Kat. Kat caught their hesitant glances and set down the box in a huff.

"Oh, come on you two," she said, crossing her arms. Her large maroon flannel sagged from her elbows like drapes. "Don't tell me you even give a second thought about that brutish poltergeist." They were silent. Kat groaned and tucked her hair behind her ears.

"Well, he is my uncle," Casper shrugged.

"Some uncle he's turned out to be... he acts like a high school bully. Treats you like a punching bag. I mean, he's dunked Casper's head in the toilet at least two times this month!"

"There have been good times," Casper let his head fall slightly.

"Child abuse may I remind you," Kat said, setting her weight on one foot.

"Hey, I'm not a 'child'!" Casper squinted his eyes and air quoted.

"Oh excuse me," she said waving her hands. "You're a one-hundred and thirteen year old who still plays with his train sets."

"Collector's items!" Casper said defiantly.

Lucy found herself giggling behind her hand, trying to hide a smile. She glanced at the teddy bear she was still holding and felt its red satin bow. Finding a vacant shelf in the corner, she set it down and pet its head softly. Much to her dismay, her thoughts drifted to Stinkie, and then to his soft brown eyes. She mulled over every insult and every tease, and oddly enough it didn't burn so much.

"Uh, earth to Lucy?" Kat said crossing her arms.

"Huh?" She asked blushing.

"Geez, ever since last night you've been distant, Luc." Kat gave her a look and crossed her arms. "What happened?"

Lucy shrugged. "I was..." she began. "...with Stinkie..." She tightened her eyes to a mere squint.

"What?" Kat and Casper cried in sync.

Lucy flattened her lips.

"Did he blackmail you?" Kat asked rushing to her side.

"No," Lucy said sharply.

"Did he threaten you with his stink?" Casper put a consoling hand on her shoulder.

"No, no nothing like that!" Lucy said pushing past them. She placed her hand on the side of her arm and sighed, glancing at the chair where Stinkie had sat.

"We just...talked." She said. "He even remembered some stuff."

"You've got to be kidding me," Kat said, with a dry roll of her eyes.

"He's not as bad as you think, you know," Lucy snapped.

"Not as bad—what are you talking about? The ghoul is a nightmare, a stink fest. Breath, personality, and all."

"No, he's—sweet. Gentle. A little clumsy and very awkward but, something about him...I don't know. He's changing," Lucy said. She was met with two gaping expressions from her two pals standing bug-eyed across the room.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2017 ⏰

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