The Gator Party

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Finn's POV

I can't believe that I'm holding the most beautiful girl in my arms.

Luckiest man alive right here...

We are going to Gator's Party. He's not a person, it's just a name for a company dancer.

As we were walking hand-in-hand all guys started ogling Jamie's goods and of course I'm a little bit pissed off and a little bit pleased because I had the girl that everyone was lusting for and with her Black Chanel dress and black pumps she ruled any girl competition.

At last we arrived at the party near the lake and we could smell alcohol and smoke everywhere, I couldn't hear her over the music so I keep on shouting at her and so was she.

Do you wanna drink? I asked.

What? She said.

Then I just played charades with her using a imaginary cup as substitute and I tried to gulp and she giggled obviously knowing what I wanted to say and she nodded her head.

Stay here I commanded and she smiled and nodded.

I went to the drinks area but still keeping an eye to Jamie's direction, then someone tapped my shoulders.

I turned around to see Andrea and she whispered at me saying; Keep your hands to yourself, Jamie doesn't want you. She slurred at me.

I just had the O mouth expression while she continued You'll just hurt her like what your brother did to me. She spat  at me, every word was like acid forming in my heart because I like Jamie and I would never Ever do that, Yes I'm a self confessed playboy but I'm no cheater, then the unexpected happen she slapped me so hard on my right cheek and of course I stumbled aback from her because I was surprised then I heard sniffling and saw Andrea was crying and Jamie went towards my direction to see the commotion happening around the drinks area, everyone was watching our little battle and the music stopped playing.

You could even hear the sound of crickets, because it was so silent and Jamie went towards me and said; What happened? I must have flinched a little because then she saw the slap mark and went towards her sister, anger was evident in her eyes and all I could think of was to stop her from regretting any events in the morning so instead of letting her hurt her sister, I carried her over my shoulders and went to the woods before shouting; Put the music back on.

Finn? what EXACTLY happened?she asked

I just shrugged at response because I know the slap didn't hurt at all but her words did, she wanted me to leave Jamie alone because of there stupid break up.

I sighed and said Your sister mistaken me for another person and slapped me then she cried because she was so sorry for what happened. I am a good story maker.

Jamie seemed a little taken aback but relaxed and said I know that's not what happened, I followed you and heard everything, my sister she didn't mean any of that obviously she was just drunk and angry at me for going out with you, she thinks I'm too naive to make my own decisions. She slumped down her shoulders and huffed out angrily muttering something but I didn't quite understand it.

Let us go back to the party. she said.

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