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William's POV.

Andrea texted me the details of Maria's funeral last night and I have got to say that I'm very much nervous to meet her family and to see my friends again.

Maybe they will resent me because I practically drove their daughter to her death.

I'm the one to blame and as I stand in my walk in closet I began to wonder on all the things that I should have done.

I said goodbye to my dad and went on my way, it says on the text that it is going to be held in The Sander's Private Cemetery on Acres hill at exactly 10:00 in the morning.

I looked at what I was wearing and saw that I was wearing a black suit and I was wearing a black bonnet.

I arrived at the cemetery and saw that all her friends and family was there crying and there were even media.

I got off my black sleek car and everyone, I mean everyone was looking at me.

I silently went to the Amber sisters and kept my head down.

As the priest say the final blessing, all her family took a rose and threw it to her grave but what was most surprising was that a lady who I layer found out was Maria's mom gave me a rose too which I uncertainly accepted from her.

As I got closer to her grave, my body started shaking and tears threaten to spill In my eyes, just as it was going to fell, I felt a hand on my shoulder and when I look at the arm of the owner.

I saw Maria but then I blinked again and saw Marc's face came into view.

"You okay?" Marc asked me.

"Yes" "I'm just scared" At that my tears started pouring.

Marc hugged me like a real genuine hugged.

He led me down in the seats and I continued to cry.

And as they put the ashes back in her grave, I bid my final farewell to my first love and my final farewell to our baby.


Im'a cry :( Maria is gone.

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