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As we ride back to the ranch, soaked from our dip in the water, I bury my face in Rodney's back. When we park, Sky and Amy jog up to us. "How was your date?" Sky asks.

"Why are you wet?" Amy notes.

"May have fallen in. The bank was slippery." I state. Rodney chuckles.

"Did you do anything else?" Sky wiggles her eyebrows. I know it sounds like a simple question, but the message is clear.

"No." Rodney says plainly. I have to bit my lip so I don't smile. Sky and Amy don't seem satisfied, but they walk away anyway.

Rodney smiles down at me, "It's our seceret for now." I smile.

As we do chores, if we pass each other, sometimes my hand will brush against his. Or a friendly look will pass between us. As I'm finishing chores, I pass by Cherry. He nickers at me as if to say, Where is my food you lazy peasant?

I chuckle, "I'm sorry baby, I forgot." He snorts.

Amy and Sky walk up behind me, "How was your date?" They ask yet again.

I roll my eyes, "Nothing happened." I lie.

Amy huffs, "Fine." I hate keeping secerets. My phone buzzes in my back pocket. I quickly look at it. Aunt Tate?!

How do I have her number. "Hello?" I speak into the phone.

"Willow. Are you ok?"

"I'm fine. Why?"

"Your parents are here." My heart stops, "I told them I'm talking to work. But, what do you want me to do? They know you were here."

My mind races, "Don't tell them where I am. Not yet, I'm not ready."

I hate haveing to make Aunt Tate low to her own sister. But, this needs to stay a seceret for a little while longer. She sighs, "Okay. But i cant keep up this charade for too long."

"It won't come to that. Thank you." I hang up and take a shaky breath.

"Who was that?" Sky asks.

"My Aunt. My parents are in Virginia." Sky nods. She wraps her arms around me.

I cry into her shoulder, "I don't know how much longer I can do this." I sob.

"Sh. It's ok. We're here for you."

I nod, "Thank you." In the barn, I sit on a pile of hay and just think. Slush curles up in my lap. Aussy lays at my feet.

What are my parents doing right now? Are they driving home? How am i going to keep this seceret. I know this isn't going to last forever. But, I want it to last as long as it can.

When my parents find! They won't find me. Not yet at least. When I'm ready, I'll tell them where I am.

Rodney walks over and plops down next to me, "Sky told me."

I sigh, "Yeah. I just don't know what's real anymore."

Rodney takes my hand, "This is real. Being here is real. The life you lived in the city was real. It's not anymore."

I nod, "Thanks." Rodney walks away. I sigh and go get Flame.

"Wait!" Em runs up behind me.

"You ok?"

"What? Oh, yes. I was going to ask if you wanted to ride a different horse."


"The Rogue."

Sorry this chapter is so short. And it took so long to write. I was kinda stuck on what to say so I had to make it short.

Don't be a silent reader, please comment. I want to know what you think about my book.

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