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"Camping!!!" Matthew shouted ecstatically through the phone, nearly bursting his brother's eardrum. "I hope you're up and ready, Al, 'cause we've been talking about this for the past couple weeks now and the time has finally come."

"You've been talking about this everyday for the past couple weeks...," Alfred corrected. "Anyhow, I was just about to leave."

"You remember where to go, right?" Matthew asked, realizing it had been ages since they had both gone to his camping ground in Vancouver. He had gone plenty of times himself or with someone else but the last time he had gone with Alfred was a couple years back. They both remembered it fairly well since the trip pretty much got ruined by a thunderstorm which forced them to leave since being in the forest was dangerous.

"Duh! I never get lost and will probably be there even before you!" he responded, just as full of himself as usual.

"Uh, I actually doubt both of those but whatever you say...," Matthew started. "I'm actually already in Vancouver so good luck beating me there."

"Is that a challenge, Matt?" Alfred questioned, his voice hinting that he was ready to accept anything Matthew laid on his plate.

"Um, sure... Just make sure you're not forgetting anything!" Matt warned.

Of course Matthew got there before his brother who not-so-surprisingly got lost and ended up arriving an hour later than expected, not to say him arriving late wasn't expected... Al's tardiness really wasn't a bother to Matthew, though. There was just something about being in the great outdoors that brought the Canadian's bliss to a whole new level. It was like being snuggled up at home on a rainy day with his favourite hot drink and a book. It was absolutely perfect. His brother's constant loudness made it a little less peaceful than it could have been but that's what he signed up for when he invited him and he knew so very well. Besides, if peace and quiet was what he wanted, he might as well have just stayed home. It was time for some brotherly bonding.

"We should set up our tent," Matthew suggested.

"Um, okay!" He laughed sheepishly and approached his brother who was holding a box which held their tent.

"Why so hesitant?" Matt asked. "Do you not remember how to build a tent?"

"O-Of course I do! Give me that!" he demanded, snatching the box from his brother's hands and pulling out a big, orange tarp.

"Then you'd have no problem doing it yourself while I make us a fire pit?" Matthew smirked and arched a brow at the nervous American who was fiddling with the tent in his hands.

"... Okay, I don't exactly remember how but I'm sure if we did it together my memory would refresh itself!" he insisted.

Matthew laughed and took the tarp back from Alfred. "Gotcha."

They set up the tent despite a great amount of confusion on the American's side throughout the whole process. Things were going better than ever and they had even managed to prepare a fire pit where they would later roast marshmallows, s'mores (of course) and maybe even whatever they'd decide to have for dinner.

The day was still young and the weather was absolutely perfect so what better thing to do than go fishing?! Matthew and Alfred had each brought their own rod and Matt had any other equipment they'd need. There was a lake nearby which was pretty much swarming with trout that they could quite possibly cook later on, or if not, give to Kumajiro. They'd make a perfect meal for him.

"Hey, Matt?" Alfred said as they neared the lake, each one of them holding their fishing rod over their shoulder.

"Ya?" Matt responded, curious as to what his brother was going to ask him this time. His questions were usually completely irrelevant to the situation.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2015 ⏰

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