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"Dammit Luna!" Landon groaned after I jumped onto his back. His two friends Pierce and Trent walked up to us chuckling.

"Very cute you two," Trent leaned on my brothers car and I got down and talked with them for a while until Hope, my best friend, ran over. Honestly my brother and his friends were super sweet to me and didn't act like a true gang.

"Come on Luna I wanna find some hot guys," I rolled my eyes as she dragged me into the packed building. "Oh what about him?" Hope looked at one guy with a lip ring as he leaned up against the lockers we never use.

"Hope stop eye raping guys," she giggled and looked at me. We walked to her class since it was closest and she walked in as I headed to mine.

"Ah Landon Landon Landon," Brody chuckled at my brother as I pushed through the crowd. Three to three, it's an even fight.

"Back off," Landon pushed Brody back into Camden and Drake. Landon fixed his jacket and eyed the three in front of him.

"Don't push me King!" His friends held Brody back. Camden tossed his jacket and Jackie the queen bitch caught it. The girls screamed and I rolled my eyes and saw Landon glare at Brody.

"Let him go Drake, scared he'll get the shit beat out of him?" Trent chuckled and Drake growled and let him go making Camden hold them both back.

"Dammit you two drop it there not worth it!" Camden yelled and Pierce chuckled.

"I still remember your cousin begging for me, now that was something that wasn't worth it," Everyone gasped and Camden let his friends go and he went and attacked Pierce. Landon threw the first punch at Brody and then it was an all out brawl. Until I was pushed by someone falling to me.

"Get to class all of you!" A teacher walked out of his class and Trent finally noticed I was on the ground.

"Shit," he ran over and slid next to me. I looked at him shocked and all the rest of them ran over to me with the teacher.

"Luna you ok?" Landon went into brother mode and looked me all over.

"I'm fine uh but can all of you move I'm trying to get up," They stepped away and Landon put his hands out and I grabbed them and he pulled me up.

"Sorry Miss," Drake looked at me and Pierce glared at him.

"Don't talk to her your probably the one who fell into her!" that made Pierce and Drake start yelling with Brody and Trent.

"Shut the hell up!" Landon and Camden both yelled and the teacher groaned and pulled all of us to the principals office.

"Wait why is she coming she didn't do anything?" Trent looked at me and the teacher looked into the principals office.

"She got injured over all of you fighting so I had to bring her to the principal," they nodded and I felt everyone's eyes on me.

"All of you in here," The principal opened the door and I walked in first. They all followed and Mr. B looked at me shocked. Landon ran over and whispered something in his ear and he nodded. Everyone offered me one of the seats, but I shook my head.

"Well it's nice to see you Luna but not in this situation," I nodded and he just explained the Rules of the school to the boys not like they were paying attention though and gave them after school detention.

"That's so unfair! Did He bribe you or something?" Brody shot up and Landon rolled his eyes.

"Sure I bribed the man to give all of us the same punishment," I giggled and saw Brody glare at me.

"Anyways Luna would you like to get your wrist checked?" I shook my head and rolled it not feeling pain.

"No sir, I'm fine may I get back to my class now?" He nodded and I walked out. The guys walked out a little bit later after me but I was half way down the hall.

"Finally you show up Miss King," I looked at Ms. Hall and handed her a note I got. She nodded and I sat in one of the empty seats. "As I was saying Shakespeare was a very well known-," the door opened and in walked the Bears. Camden gave her a note and they walked to the 3 empty seats behind me.

"I swear I'll kick that guys ass," I rolled my eyes once they walked by and started reading the pages from my book.

"Admit Landon was kicking your ass," Drake laughed deserving a glare from the teacher.

"He was not, I was just letting him get a free punch," they kept talking about the fight until the teacher announced a group project. She started listing names off together.

"Wes and Tanner. Bea and Beau. Luna and Camden. Brody and Jackie. Paul and Tracy...." I kept reading not paying attention anymore. I looked at Jackie and saw she had Camdens jacket over her shoulders. "Get in your partners and get started on your poster," I heard the guys groan.

"Who's Luna?" Camden whispered to his friends but I heard him since he was standing above me.

"Um maybe it's the girl from the office?" Drake shrugged and walked to his partner. Jackie ran up to them and wrapped her arms around Camden.

"I wish we were partners," she wined and I rolled my eyes and stood up and got a poster board.

"Yeah but who's Luna?" Camden asked Jackie and she shrugged. I sat back down and stuck in my earbuds un noticed. I started doing an outline on the project and felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Sorry- wait you are the girl from the office," I shrugged and started drawing Shakespeare on the outline. "Im Camden by the way and I'm the leader of the Bears,"

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