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"Wanna walk together?"

I turned and saw Camden looking at me. I shrugged and he started walking so I followed. "Sorry about your friend, Drake can be a big player," I nodded and we turned down the hall. "And um sorry about him calling you a slut in class," I rolled my eyes and stopped him.

"Listen you don't need to say sorry for shit your friend did, I could care less about what people think and I don't need your friend to bang my friend then act like she never existed. So instead of saying sorry to me, you can go tell your friend to leave Hope alone or so help me I'll chop his dick off," Camden looked at me freighted and shocked. I just turned and kept walking to class as he became unfrozen and caught up to me. Camden walked beside me saying nothing and girls kept staring.

"Bitch!" One yelled and I chuckled and turned to her.

"Thanks but don't you want to save your breath for sucking dick?" She gasped and I knew Camden was surprised. I just kept walking to my class until we finally arrived.

"Holy shit!" Camden said once we got into the room and Drake and Brody looked at us.

"What?" I questioned and put my stuff down and pulled out my phone seeing a text from Landon.

"The way you handled that girl was something else," he chuckled and I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah and I'll handle you the same way if you don't go to your friends right now," he just chuckled again and Brody ran over to us.

"I thought you said she was innocent," Brody looked at his friend and he shrugged.

"She acted like an angel this morning," Camden chuckled and Drake walked over and leaned on his friend.

"I told you guys she's a slu-," Drake began but Camden and Brody covered his mouth. There was a knock so we all turned to it and Pierce and Trent stood at the door.

"Come on," they ushered for me to come so I turned back to the guys.

"Is he ok?" They nodded so I grabbed my stuff and felt someone grab my arm, I turned seeing Brody looking confused at Trent and Pierce.

"Let her go," Trent walked in and my arm was let go. I followed them as they ran through what was going on.

"Think you can handle it?" I laughed and picked out my laptop and sat on the tailgate of Trents truck.

"You only have a few minutes so hurry," I rolled my eyes and started typing in codes and passwords for a thing going on in another school. I got through the mainstream and hacked the records.

"Done!" They looked at me shocked and took the computer and got the information they needed and handed it back. I logged out of everything then erased my memory card.

"Seriously how did you learn all this shit?" Pierce chuckled and I closed my laptop and put it away.

"My uncle," they nodded and we sat outside waiting for Landon to get back. When he did we walked back in for the last thirty minutes.

"Why are you so late Luna?" Ms. Cork looked at me and I looked at the time.

"Whoops time flew by," she glared and then smiled sweetly.

"Well then maybe time will fly by in after school detention," everyone oo'd like it was such a big deal.

"Dick sucking bitch," I walked to my seat and chuckled when I heard her scream what.

"Excuse me Ms. King?" I covered my nose and looked at her.

"You didn't have to ask just leave the room next time," everyone laughed and we bickered back and forth till the bell rang.

"Nice one," a couple people patted my back since I ran class time out.

"That sucks you got detention though," Camden walked by me and I shrugged. I was sort of glad because then I don't have to walk home.

"Drake!" Hope screamed and ran up to him. I just shook my head and heard Jackies clanking heels and he wrapped her arms around Camden.

"Why is she still here?" She looked at me and I rolled my eyes.

"You treat me like I'm an animal but really you really are because you get on your knees and beg all night long don't cha kind of like a dog?" She gasped and wobbled on her heels.

"Luna be nice," Hope looked at me but I rolled my eyes and saw a couple people look at us.

"Yeah listen to her," Jackie stuttered making me laugh a little.

"I didn't know you had a dick in your mouth right now," she reached to slap me but I stepped out of the way.

"Your a bitch," Drake looked at me and I looked to Camden.

"You didn't tell him?" He shook his and I groaned and looked at Hope. "Hope he doesn't like you he's just using you, believe me," she looked at Drake who didn't turn to her. She walked up to me and the next thing I knew was my cheek was stinging.

"Your just jealous that no guy wants you, matter in fact no one wants you," she walked back over to Drake and I felt my self being pulled away.

"What the hell were you thinking?" Landon looked at my cheek and touched it gently.

"We know she's your best friend but you can't let her control you like that," Trent patted my back.

"We have detention are you gonna walk home?" I shook my head and pointed toward the room. They looked at me confused but walked and I followed. The other guys were already there and another guy I didn't know.

"Take a seat anywhere you'll be here for an hour and thirty minutes no leaving," the guy running it said and lifted up his paper. I sat down in the front and pulled my hood over me and looked down crossing my arms. "Miss no hoods," I stuck my middle finger up at him and he stopped talking.

"Why are you acting like a bitch?" Drake asked and I heard some chairs move.

"Don't call her a bitch," Trent said and Brody chuckled.

"What you are the only 3 allowed," Pierce stood up and there was a loud slam.

"You shut your fucking mouth," Pierce growled and I kept my eyes forward.

"Or what?" Drake questioned and I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Get out of here," Landon handed me his keys and I shook my head. "Yes," he whispered and looked behind me where the guys were. "Get over here," Landon called Trent and Pierce over and huddled around me. "I'm not fighting those shits around my sister," they all nodded and I stood up and stepped out of the circle.

"Don't fight them just sit down and keep your mouths shut, I don't care what they call me," They sat down and I looked at the teacher.

"Oh so you listen to a girl now?" Drake chuckled and I walked up to his desk.

"No they take my advice because if they don't they know what I would do," He smirked and I looked at Brody and Camden who was looking a little shocked.

"Give it your best shot princess," I shrugged and turned forward then twisted on my heel and hit him in the nose.

"Shit breath," Pierce and Trent grabbed me as the guy just started laughing his head off.

"Ms. King that was very inappropriate!" The teacher slammed his hands down and I pulled against Pierce and Trents grip.

"Ah shit don't touch it you idiot," Drake slapped Brody's had away.

"What were you thinking Luna!" Landon grabbed my arm and pulled me to the side.

"Ms. King take him to the office," I groaned and my brother just shook his head.

"I'll take him," Camden shook his head and Brody crosses his arms.

"Hell no I'm not trusting you with my friend," Landon rolled his eyes.

"I said Ms. King and unless your a Miss then sit down!" Everyone sat down and shut up so I waited for Drake at the door as he walked over with his hand over his nose. We walked in silence till we got to the nurses office and she wasn't in so I pulled out my own first aid kit.

"Why would you have that sitting in your book bag?"

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