Chapter 11

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Ps: pinky Singh oberoi and shakti Singh oberoi  parents of shivaay,are very positive characters in this book

Pinkys English is very bad in this book 

Tej is also a very positive character 

He is the boss of gauri , treats her like his own daughter 

Gauri doesn't know any other oberoi except omkara

Even though gauris mom worked in oberoi mansion in the past

Gauri never interacted with oberois except omkara.


Om : Gauri.., I'm .. sorry

Please come back


Om pov

The same dream it haunts me , I tried  to apologize to gauri everyday in my dreams

But in reality I cannot meet her

She left me , because of my mistakes

Whenever I close my eyes her reflection haunts me

Her red eyes  ,the fresh wounds on her body  and her pale face with red marks

If only I could stop myself at that time


Jhanvi: tej we have to think something about om

Tej:what is there to think jhanvi?

He is managing my business very well

Jhanvi: yes tej but at what cost?

Tej: what do you mean

Jhanvi: see this box

He ordered some new drugs, to inject into his body 

Tej: what?

How can he do that?

Did he loose his mental balance?

Jhanvi: something happened tej

Om was never like this

Tej: I will  find out jhanvi 

Don't worry about it


Anika: shivu.. my sadu

Get up it's morning

Today we have to send anshika to issschool

Shivaay: it's school Anika

Please spell it properly 

Anika: why are you getting so angry shivaay

Did you take your bp ,cp tablets?

Shivaay: bp , cp?

What the wok? What is that?

Please leave me alone

Anika: how can I leave you alone billuji

Last time you almost fainted because you forgot to take your tablet

Come on Take this tablet fast

Shivaay: why are you so obsessed with me

Don't you have any work?

Anika: this is not obsession billuji

It's caring 

Don't know when you will realize it

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