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Tia: so you are really going to leave your dream project?

Shivaay: at first I wanted it but now I don't need it

Because I got what I want

Tia : will you give up anything for your so called wife ?

shivaay: not anything tia

I can give up everything thing for her

Try me

Tia: all the best shivaay

I hope you loose everything in her love

Shivaay: loose?

I won everything because of her 

You even lost your dignity tia

Please don't stoop more low than this

Good bye forever


Anika pov

No it cannot be 

He cannot find me here, how does he know my phone number

My hands trembled when I heard his voice in the phone

Stranger: miss me Anika ?

Anika: shut up

I don't want to talk to you

Stranger : I love you Anika 

Meet you soon

Anika: don't even try to come near me

Stranger: really?

Is this how you address your husband?

Anika: shut up

Shivaay is my husband not you

Blaickmailing me will only put you at a high risk

Stranger: oh really !

you sent me to jail Anika , how can I forget that

You have to pay for it

Don't worry I will kill that shivaay and teach you a lesson

Anika: I sent you to jail once

And now I will send you back there

Stranger : try me Anika

As soon as you take a step for me 

I will send your shivaay's dead body to you

Anika: don't you dare 

Stranger: see you soon


Om pov

I need to bury this secret within me

Gauri must  not know it, she is happy with her life 

Let her have this happiness for some more days

Why gauri?

Why are we such a star crossed lovers who can never be togeather

It's like no one wants us to live happily 

Why are you leaving  me in alone in this cruel world

I need you gauri!

But you are not going to be with me !

**********to be continued********************************************************************


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