Chapter 12

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Storybrooke (Emma and Regina's mansion)

A small shock of electricity seemed to emanate from inside her heart and traveled outward. A part of her that had felt cold for so long was now growing warmer.

Emma? Can you hear me?

Her breath hitched in her throat. Her eyes widened in shock. A feeling grew inside, a feeling that she had felt not so long ago. Before they had been separated months ago, the feeling that linked their souls together.

Please Emma, hear me. I can feel you my love. I'm here.

"Regina?" A disbelieving croak escaped thin and pale lips.

YES! Emma! Can you hear me?

Her jaw fell open again, she couldn't speak. Is that really you Regina?

Yes, it's me! Oh my dear sweet Emma!

Oh my God! Please be real! Please don't let me be losing my mind! Emma stood up and began to pace back and forth in front of the bed.

It's real Emma, it's definitely real. I'm inside you like before when we were under the curse. Can't you feel me inside you?

Emma closed her eyes and felt deep inside her, and there she was. Emma felt her soul and her love just like before. It really was Regina.

Oh Regina! I thought you were dead! How did this happen?

I don't know dear, I thought I was dying too. I felt the pain in my body starting to fade away and then I blacked out. Then this feeling of grief, this overwhelming grief jarred me awake. And then I could see through your eyes. I could feel your pain. I wish I could hold you right now my love and make everything better.

I wish I could hold you too babe. But I'm so happy that you're alive. Well, mostly anyway. Emma looked at Regina's body lying lifeless on their bed.

Oh my, look at me! I'm a mess! Wait, you put my bleeding corpse on our bed?

I guess, I was teleporting and you just kind of wound up there. What's the big deal?

'What's the big deal?' There is a dead body bleeding on my bed!

But it's your dead body!

I don't care! It is still a corpse! Now I'm going to have to throw all the bedding out and get a new mattress!

This is what we're talking about right now? The bed? Not the fact that you're back from the dead and living in my brain again?

Well, at least there is plenty of room in here.


Ugh, look at me. I look horrendous.

Emma was aware that she had been looking at Regina's lifeless body lying in front of them. She remembered that Regina was using Emma's eyes to see.

You are the most beautiful human being that has ever lived Regina. You could never be anything else to me.

Regina felt the love radiating inside Emma and it comforted her. I still look a mess. We need to clean this up, first let's repair that wound. Emma nodded and waved her hand over the body and the magic glowed from her hand. The hole in her abdomen sealed and the blood disappeared

And what on Earth am I wearing? Blue jeans and a t shirt? What in the world is a 'Guns and Roses'? Emma snorted in response.

Only the greatest rock band in the world!

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