Part 1

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DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of the characters depicted in this story. So please don't sue me lol
Richie couldn't sleep. He couldn't get the previous events out of his head, and they were tormenting him. He really didn't want to be alone. He had an idea. He reached for his phone on his nightstand and texted Eddie,"Hey, you up?" He waited. Then about a minute later he heard the familiar buzz of his phone and quickly looked at the message. It said,"Yeah. You can't sleep either huh?" He sent back a yeah. Then another idea struck Richie. "Can you sneak out of your house and go to the park?" He waited a few minutes for the response. "Probably. Why?" Richie's stomach did summer salts. Damn his stomach. He didn't understand it, why whenever Eddie was around his stomach would get all twisty and his palms got sweaty {kneES WEAK ARMS ARE HEAVY, THERE'S VOMIT ON HIS SWEATER ALREADY, MOM'S SPAGHETTI (I'm so sorry lmao)}. "Meet me there, I don't want to be alone" was his clever reply. Then almost as it was sent he got the reply,"what about the others?" He could have written a huge list on why not, even if the main reason was because he just wanted to see Eddie, and no one else. So Richie's clever reply was,"They probably have a lot on their minds" He got an ok, and then went towards his window. He stopped. Should he bring the baseball bat he took from IT's layer? Nah, he would be fine. He hoped. He went back to the window and proceeded to climb out of it and walked over to his bike. Eddie's house was closer to the park than his, so he pedaled as fast as he could to not keep Eddie waiting for too long, making sure to avoid the sewers. Richie rode into the park and found where Eddie was sitting on a bench. Upon his arrival, Eddie smiled and said hey. As Richie was setting his bike down, his stomach did the stupid summersalt thing again. But nevertheless, he smiled back and said,"Hey." He sat down beside Eddie. They just sat there for a while, thinking about their awful experience. Then Richie whispered,"Thanks for coming." Eddie just looked at him, and smiled and said,"Of course." Maybe it would help if they talked about it, Richie thought. So they did talk about it, for an hour at least. Then the best part of that night happened. They had just finished talking about the awful experiences, and then just talked. Then Eddie just looked at Richie in a way that made his heart flutter. The Eddie said,"God damn it! I can't take this anymore!" Eddie then smashed his lips into Richie's. Richie didn't know what to do, what to say, he was frozen. Then he knew why his heart fluttered when Eddie looked at him, and why his stomach flipped when he was near Eddie. Richie was in love with Eddie. Just as Richie realized this, he realized he was still frozen and then Eddie broke off. Horrified, he whispered,"Oh my god, I am so sorry." He then turned and fled to his bike. Richie probably would have sat there still shocked, and feeling the tingle on his lips where Eddie's were. But he noticed Eddie running, and he couldn't let him get away. Richie leapt to his feet, and towards Eddie. As Eddie was picking up his bicycle, Richie grabbed his wrist and spun him around to face him. Eddie dropped the bike, and looked at Richie with fear. Richie wrapped his arm around Eddie's waist and pulled him. Then Richie kissed Eddie. It was magical, and they could feel the sparks fly. Richie didn't want to stop, but he could hear Eddie panting, which meant he might have been having an asthma attack. Richie stopped, and Eddie went to sit on the bench and pulled out his inhaler. Richie sat beside him and waited. They just sat there, and stared at each other. Then Richie whispered,"So I guess we are a thing now huh?" Eddie smiled and replied,"Duh. Are we gonna tell people?" Richie pondered that for no less than three seconds before he responded," Nah. We won't deny it, but we won't go around shouting it out, even though I so badly want to. I want the whole fucking world to know you are mine." Eddie nodded and they smiled. Then Eddie crawled beside Richie and laid himself between Richie's arm and body. They stayed like that until about four in the morning, when they departed. That night they both got some of the best sleep they ever had, even though the horrors they faced before then were still tormenting them.

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