Part 18

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Hey! So um, sorry for not updating in over a month......whoops. Anyways, thanks for 3k reads, love y'all :) Also, thank y'all for the love and support on this thing. Also, Announcement: I plan on starting a long fic based around the IT kids in like highschool. Obviously, Reddie will be in there. But comment which character you want Bev with, and the most commented will be used. Anyways, enough stalling because I have no idea what the fuck to write about but I owe you an update after over a month, let's get into it :D

Richie's POV

"Do I have to wear this stupid fucking dress?" Richie whined. Eddie sighed, "Yes trashmouth, and it's not a dress. It's your graduation gown. And yes, you have to wear the hat too." Richie sighed, and he was a little impressed that his boyfriend knew what he was going to say next. "Fine," he grumbled. He walked off into his bathroom as Eddie called out, "And hurry up! We have to meet the rest of the Losers at Ben's house in 15 minutes!"

~Magical TARDIS time skip to Ben's house (and they have a car btw)~

"You all look fucking ridiculous," Richie commented, laughing. Bev smacked him in the back of the head and said, "You are wearing the same exact thing genius." "Yeah but I look good in anything," he retorted. Beverly just stuck her tongue out and went back to cuddling with Ben. "I can't believe this is the last time we will all be in the same place," Mike said glumly. "Cheer up Mike, I'm sure we will all meet up again soon," Bill replied. "Yeah," Eddie added, "Even though we are all going our separate ways, I know we will all meetup soon." Mike sighed, "But it's not the same. I mean, we will never all be in school together for five days a week. And we can't go to the barrens after a long day either." This statement left the rest of the group feeling glum. "Well, fuck that," Richie stated, "We still have a little time together left. So I say fuck it. Let's forget about and allow ourselves to have a good time." They all nodded in agreement.

"I say we ditch the celebration after we get our diplomas and go to the barrens one last time, together," Ben said. The statement shocked them, because Ben was known as the goody-two-shoes of the group. But they all agreed. "Shit!" Bill said, "We need to leave now if we don't wanna wait." So, Bev, Ben, Stanley, and Bill rode together in Ben's car while Richie, Eddie, and Mike rode together in Richie's car to the ceremony.

~Another Magical TARDIS time skip oof~

Finally, the ceremony had come to an end. They put their diplomas in their cars, and raced each other down to the barrens. "Hell yeah!" Mike yelled upon arriving, seeing as he was the winner. After Mike came Stanley and Bill, who were holding hands, and then Eddie, who was forcing Richie to carry him piggyback style, and finally Beverly, followed closely by Ben. Once they are got their they stared at each other, out of breath, and began to laugh. They ended up collapsing from laughter. They just sat together, laughing and joking. But as the night came closer to drawing to an end, Richie started to become sad, and nervous. At the end of the night, him and Eddie would be heading off to separate collages.

Eddie must have noticed, because he said, "You okay trashmouth?" Richie sighed, "I dunno Eds. I am happy that we are all spending time together. But, I'm just not looking forward to having to leave everyone, mostly you." Eddie wrapped his arms around the other boy, "I know, I am thinking about it too. But remember? Fuck it." Richie smiled, and softly kissed Eddie. He leaned into Eddie's embrace. Sure the night would be over soon, but he wouldn't dwell on that. No, Richie would just focus on the now. It would be okay.

Wooow okay so I'm sorry that this is kinda short ? I wanted to make a long part to help make up for the whole month that I didn't update (sorry again oof). Anyways, I am finishing this on my phone because I finally got the app to redownload. Also, I hope the video also helps make up for it oof. (Edit: apparently I can't use videos from my camera roll 🙄) Anyways, ily you guys, stay safe 💗💗

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