The End

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In the leg. A bright, blinding light fills the room. Then I hear a scream that penetrates the depths of my soul, followed by a pitch black darkness filling the room. Also, the sword disappears and Kendra sits up abruptly and screams in pain, finally awake. All in about a second. In a few moments, I hear police sirens and, with Connor's help, carry Kendra downstairs as fast as I can. 

Relief washes over me as the ambulance whisks her away, but that is short-lived. Now people will be asking how Kendra got hurt. Her mom, in fact, is sobbing right now, and her dad's face is stricken. Connor's eyes are wide and eyebrows scrunched. 'It's fine', I keep repeating to myself, 'It's not like she's dead or anything'. 'Just a wound in her thigh'

But then I'm forced to face the consequences of my decision: What if Kendra's never able to walk again? Lacrosse was her life! What if you or Kendra is put in jail because they suspect you of stabbing her and/or her of the killings? Worse, what if I hit some important organ and Kendra can't be saved? What if she dies?!  What if, what if, what if.


At the hospital, pacing outside Kendra's room, everything hits me at once. Like a tsunami made of concrete. I stagger. Everything that's happened in the past few weeks. How much my life has changed since then. It was fine. Everything was fine. And now it might never, ever be the same again. All because of that hairbrush. I make a mental vow to burn it as soon as I see it again.

But I blink back the tears and take a deep breath. Everything has changed and there is absolutely nothing I can do about it but face whatever the future holds. After all, what can possibly harder than vanquishing a demon that was possessing my best friend while facing my horrible past and finding a brilliant solution to kill the evil spirit without (directly) murdering my friend? Few things. 

Despite everything, something keeps nagging at the back of my brain. Sandra admitted to using magic to erase my memories of her. But before that, she seemed angry that I had forgotten. Why?

The doctor walks out of the ward. I shake my head to clear it of thoughts and walk over to him along with Kendra's family. All of our eyes are wide, hearts beating faster than ever, and ears open. 

"She'll survive".

The End

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