
192 10 17

Fetus: Hi
Fetus: I need help

Myungjojo: What does the baby need

Fetus: I'd appreciate if you'd treat me like an adult >:(

Myungjojo: How can i when you use cute ass emoticons like that

Pebble: How is
Pebble: >:(
Pebble: A cute emoticon???

TrashBin: Why is your sense of cuteness so bizarre

Myungjojo: i did not ask to be disrespected like thIS

Jj(p): Plus you're 17
Jj(p): You're not an adult yet

Fetus: But I'm not a little kid either!
Fetus: Stop treating me like some toddler

Jj(p): No can do baby

Pebble: Okayokay
Pebble: Sanha what did you need help with

Fetus: I dropped my phone in the toliet

Myungjojo: What were you doing with your phone in there

TrashBin: Gross

Fetus: I was playing games
Fetus: >:(
Fetus: I didn't even say anything and you already find it disgusting

Jj(p): Binnie finds everything disgusting child
Jj(p): You should know

Myungjojo: He doesn't show it around the young ones

Pebble: 'Ones'
Pebble: I am not of sanhas staTUS

TrashBin: Wait
TrashBin: But you're texting us right now??

Fetus: Oh thats cause i took eunwoos phone
Fetus: And logged into my account

TrashBin: So thats why he's yelling

Fetus: Pretty much

Myungjojo: Just scoop your phone from the toliet
Myungjojo: Its not that hard

Fetus: Here's the problem
Fetus: I dropped it when the toliet was being flushed

Pebble: Plus
Pebble: Wouldn't there be a problem of the phone breaking???

Myungjojo: Oh right
Myungjojo: I forgot

TrashBin: You're unbelievable
TrashBin: I can't believe you don't think far ahead for a what
TrashBin: 30 year old?

Myungjojo: im noT THAT OLD

Jj(p): why you gotta do my husband dirty like that

TrashBin: Husband???
TrashBin: What is this
TrashBin: Suddenly coming out

Jj(p): Omf
Jj(p): You take things too seriously

TrashBin: Of course i do

Pebble: But
Pebble: It couldn't have flushed
Pebble: The phone is too wide

Fetus: Well idk what made my phonr turn elastic but its gone

TrashBin: You're fucked
TrashBin: Its already on its way to the sewers

Pebble : I wonder if that clown in the sewers will be happy finding a phone

Myungjojo: Language bin

TrashBin: Oops sorry
TrashBin: You're ducked*

Myungjojo: Istg

Fetus: Oh also

Pebble : Theres moRE

Fetus: I broke my guitar

Jj(p): Why were you handling it roughly??


TrashBin: Look at eunwoo finally taking the next step and cursing 
TrashBin: Man i love him

DitchDongDing: What

TrashBin: What
TrashBin: I meant this

Myungjojo: Mmhm yeah sure you did

TrashBin: Shut it myungjun
TrashBin: I'll personally make your life a living hell

Myungjojo: How lmao

TrashBin: I bet you'll look gr8 bald

Myungjojo: nO

Jj(p): What happened to the wall tho
Jj(p): It's alright
Jj(p): Right?

Fetus: Oh 
Fetus: Haha
Fetus: We also
Fetus: Need to fix it

Jj(p): So let me get this straight
Jj(p): because you're low on cash rn, we're gonna have to help pay
Jj(p): To fix the wall
Jj(p): Your phone
Jj(p): And a guitar that you broke
Jj(p): Because you watched a jihoon lash out at mingyu with a guitar and thought it'd be cool to imitate him

Fetus: Uhm
Fetus: Yeah

Myungjojo: No one can get on his level
Myungjojo: There's so much evil in such a small body

DitchDongDing: You have no room to talk
DitchDongDing: You're pretty small too

Myungjojo : but not that smaLL

Pebble: Yikes
Pebble: You shouldn't have said that

Myungjojo: Lmao why

Pebble: Last time i heard from kihyun
Pebble: Changkyun had said the same thing
Pebble: And the next morning
Pebble: He found multiple shaved spots on his head
Pebble: Legend has it
Pebble: If you diss jihoon's height
Pebble: He can hear it 
Pebble: Even if its across the ocean
Pebble: And will get revenge

DitchDongDing: Should we start planning myungjun's funeral then

TrashBin: We should
TrashBin: Who knows what he will do

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